Monday 15 February 2016

The Bandit Girl (part 2)

Later that night.

The sun had finally gone down after a long day. The Mayor was very pleased he had the information he needed to find the bandit camp and had already paid Beatrix for their work. The group had just finished dinner in the main hall in the same way they had eaten breakfast. They had been discussing the details of the bandit girls’ torture as well as how she was to die. Jacob was praised for his work stretching the girl to make her confess.

The bandit girl was restrained in the basement of an unused wing of the Mayors house awaiting execution. She was tied to the floor spread-eagled, held in place by hick ropes around her wrists as well as her ankles. Her limbs were put back in there sockets but she was reported to be in constant pain from how tightly she was stretched.  

Once they had finished dinner Beatrix looked tired so she went straight to bed. The Mayor did the same asking his wife to accompany him when she was ready. She was very interested in what Jacob had done to the girl so they sat in front of the rooms fire discussing what had happened to her.

Lady Hampton said the Jacob “You did a very good job on that girl today. Seeing her stretched out like that was a pleasing sight. You see the bandits have caused us much hardship so it is what they deserve”

Jacob liked the praise “Thank you my Lady I just want to help the greater good. Hopefully other bandits are caught and they suffer such torture”

“Hopefully they will but at least for now we have the execution to look forward tomorrow”

Jacob nodded “Yes the whole town should be out to watch”
“They will be. Can you tell me what your plan is for her? I saw you discussing it with Beatrix”

“Of course I can. Here method of death will be impalement. She will very slowly be lowered on to a wooden spike that will travel though her womanhood then her body. But before we will torture her for the crowd. 

Depending on how they like it we may make her suffer for an hour or so first”

“Well I hear the crowd will be very supportive so I look forward to watching. Actually if you are not too tired may I ask you a favour?”

“Of course my Lady”

Lady Hampton produced a wooden box that she opened so Jacob could see. Inside he saw a phallic shaped wooden object with some rope. She picked up the wooden phallus so Jacob could see it closely.

“This device is designed to hurt a woman in her private area. It in inserted into her but as it is quite wide it strains the skin which a woman will find painful. Then if you look closely you will see a dozen small metal bits”

Jacob moved his head closer and saw she was taking about. Protruding from the phallus were many little metal bits that stuck out like the tops of nails. They did not protrude far but looked like they would hurt a woman. The metal would scratch the flesh rather than cut it he thought. The phallus had a narrow tip that quickly widened to a little less than three inches. He immediately saw how this would damage a girl.

She continued “As the device is pushed deeper into the woman these metal bits scratch the flesh then the width strains the sensitive skin inside there. As you could imagine this is very painful for the unlucky woman”
Jacob was intrigued “I could see how it would be painful. Do you mind asking me how you came by the device?”

She broke eye contact for a moment looking down then rose her head again “Well you see my husband had it made for me. I am a bit younger than him so when he saw me looking at men working once and was very unhappy. I admitted I was watching them then he showed me this. My husband then used it on me as I described. He used the roped to wrap around by waist then over the phallus to stop it sliding back out of me as I was punished. He likes to make me feel it for at least an hour at a time.”

Jacob was shocked to hear of this but was used to hiding shock by now. “Really he uses this on you?”

She nodded “He has used it on me many times in two years. I admit I deserve it so please don’t think badly of the Mayor.  If I stay still and take the phallus without any protest he refrains from turning it much once it is fully in. He has every right to punish me for my offenses and this way there are no visible marks. I have become accustomed to the pain as I feel it inside me so please don’t think badly of him”

“Does the phallus cut you inside much?”

“It does a little sometimes but most of the pain comes from it stretching the skin and this is worse when it is turned”

Jacob knew he would have to accept what he heard.

“I understand but why are you telling me this?”

“I was thinking it would be a good idea for you to us it on the bandit girl. She deserves to suffer after all. Would you do this for me?

Jacob agreed “If you would like then I will use it on her. Would you like to watch?”

“No, no just knowing she is feeling it will please me but please return it to me as my husband will surely wish to use it on me again soon. Earlier today we were talking about it being used so please return it tomorrow”

He detected that she appeared to have affection for the device. “Very well I will go and see her now”

“Thank you. As you push it into her just push slowly and firmly so it steadily goes in. When it is used on me my flesh resists but you just need to slowly add more force then it will enter. Don’t stop pushing until all 7 inches is inside her then turn it to enhance the pain”

Jacob listened to her instruction then went to find the girl. After hearing how she had this device used on her he realized where she got her dark streak from.

As Jacob walked through the Manor he did get the feeling this half had not been lived in. He took a touch to lead his was as the servants did not keep the candles lit in this wing. When Jacob reached the basement room that was doubling as her jail cell he saw one guard sitting on a stool half asleep.

“Excuse me. Guard” Jacob said to the man as he jerked backup.

“Yes sir. I was watching her sir”

Jacob was not convinced. “I’m sure you were now I have work to do so you can leave use”

“Yes sir, very good sir” Said the guard who had picked the short straw in getting put on guard duty. He then walked away leaving Jacob and the girl alone. Jacob opened to door steadily then saw that the room was small with stone walls and a simple wooden floor. Four heavy stones were placed in each corner to hold the ropes that were attached to her hands and feet pulling her limbs apart. He could see that they were now back in their sockets but there were signs of swelling at her joints.

She was still naked allowing Jacob to see the lash marks on her body. She raised her head as he entered.

“Jacob….. I was wondering if you would come”

It sounded as if she missed him but surely she must know that he is here to add to her pain. He closed the door behind him then knelled down by her side. He put the phallus on the floor out of her sight.

“Yes I wanted to see you again. How do you feel are you in much pain?”

She nodded then as the candle light hit her face he saw her redden from crying. “My whole body hurts from the stretching. Then between my legs from when you struck it so hard”

Her voice was weak as her whole body was.

“I am sorry much measures were used but you needed to confess”

“I don’t blame you for the torture, Jacob… You did what you had to do please don’t feel bad”

He glanced down her body, first her breasts then down to her thighs. He could not resist enjoying the sight of her naked. He went to place his hand on her breast then hesitated at that point she said
“It’s ok, touch me if you like”

He then stroked her breasts before cupping them. She appeared calmer as he caressed her nipples causing them to harden. Again she appeared to be sexually pleased from him despite his role as torturer. 

She then gasped with what sounded like delight as he slid his fingers into her then pushed them in deeply. Moving them in a sensitive way she liked the feeling. She then looked at him as she said “You can have me if you like. I will be quiet as you do it”

Jacob stayed quiet not knowing what to say.

“I know you want me now have me”

Without speaking he stood up and removed his pants. While she looked at him he stepped between her legs then kneeled down. Her womanhood looked so inviting to him, so soft it was the one thing he wanted.
When his eye met with hers she said “Go on take me”

He then held her hips gently as he slid his erection inside her. She gasped at the feeling of him being inside her then began to moan as she felt him moving in and out. He moved slowly so as not to hurt her more but the speed was just right for her. As if all was well she lost herself as he kept up the momentum. 

He moved his hands over her body as he pushed in as deep as he could go. She made no effort to hide the pleasure she was feeling. He touched her breasts running his finger over her nipple knowing he would soon rip it off her. He tried not to think about her fate as they continued their love making.

Soon after she moaned louder then he increased the speed. She opened her eyes then looked straight at him before raising her head for a kiss. They kissed quickly as they were both breathing rapidly then she gasped as she climaxed. Jacob felt wetness on his cock as she climaxed then he came in her a moment later.
He kissed her again then rolled off her. Jacob put his clothes back on then sat next to her naked body.

“Even restrained you are amazing woman”

Managing a smile “I know you have wanted me like that since you first restrained me. As you whipped me then stretched me I saw how you looked at me. Though the pain I saw it”

He looked down “I am sorry I did such things to you”

“You did as you had to. Just as I stole from this town”

It was as if she understood the situation and made peace with it. She did not like it or welcome it but knew it was to happen. He stroked her slowly as a show of intimacy. His hand moved over her stomach then down over her thigh with his fingers just touching her womanhood. He could not take his eyes off her even if he tried. He found her beautiful outside and inside. The way she was restrained with her legs apart was very captivating to him.

He said to her “I suppose we all have to do as we must and I must torture you even more”
The realization of her situation came flooding back then a tear rolled down her cheek as she said “How am I to be put to my death? Will it be by your hand?”

He nodded “Yes It will be by my hand and it will be very slow I am sorry to say. You are to be tied up with your limbs stretched out then tortured in front of the town. You will be stretched again as well as feel branding irons on your skin. Pliers will also be used to rip off your nipples then these folds of skin” 

He touched her folds of skin on her woman hood so she could feel where he meant. She gasped as he did this imaging what it would feel like.

“Then you at to be executed by impalement”

Her face reddened as another tear was produced “Why must it be so cruel?”

“They want to use you to set an example”  

“Is there nothing you can do for me? Please spare me that horror”

He shook his head as she started sobbing “I am sorry but you are to suffer this fate. I must also do something else to you”

“What must you do?”

He pulled out the phallus then held it in front of her face so she could see it. She immediately recognized it as a device to be pushed into the womanhood to cause suffering. He turned it so she could see the metal bits protruding from it.

“No please can’t I rest for a bit?”

“I am afraid not”

She stared upwards sobbing as he parted her lips with his thumb and forefinger on his left hand. She cried out as she felt the tip of the phallus entering her. The fluids from their recent activity would aid in the insertion thought Jacob. Once the tip was inside he slowly pushed it in deeper. Steadily the device moved in and it got wider as it went down. She could feel the phallus stretch the skin of her opening as he penetrated her with it.


Unbeknown to them both Lady Hampton had snuck down then arrived as they were talking. She was on the other side of the door watching though a hole in it as the girl felt the phallus enter her. With great pleasure Lady Hampton saw it being pushed inside her smiling as the girl felt its bite. She had the perfect view of the girl with her legs spread out and could even see how it was stretching her opening. As Jacob worked the phallus deeper into her it was like he was stirring a pot of butter with the slow motions.

The bandit girl continued to cry out as she moved her head side to side. She had her mouth open wide as the pain continued. Lady Hampton could see her leg muscles tense up randomly as she swallowed the device.

“AAARGHHH! Ouchhhhhh”

She could feel in inside her pushing deeper. She felt the metal bits sticking out especially as the phallus was turned. The device had not cut her but stretched her sensitive flesh inside which caused her much pain.
After ten minutes of pushing it was all the way in. Jacob then tied some rope around her waist very tightly just above her pelvis. The rope dug into her and made her pelvis more visible. He next lifted her up then tied another piece of rope that ran between her legs and was connected to the first piece on each end. Jacob then pulled this rope tight so it pushed up between her lips pushing the phallus deeper then holding it in place.
With her still crying Jacob stood up then took one good look at her figure. The ropes only added to her curvy form he thought. Then without saying anything he turned and left the room. Before he left Lady Hampton had already disappeared.  

Alone in the room she sobbed from the strain of on her womanhood. She could feel each of the metal bits on her flesh but it was the pain to come that scared her.

Jacob went to his room and managed some sleep before the next day. For him it would be a long day but for the young bandit girl that had occupied his thoughts it would be her last.