Thursday 31 December 2015

It All Begins

Anno 1455

Jacob was a young man of 25. He had short brown hair and had a muscular body from years of hard work. Born in a small village he grew up with his family attending church every Sunday. Upon seeing his dedication the local bishop assisted Jacobs desire to become a blacksmith. The church helped support him for several years as he learned his craft for which he was eternally grateful.

Two years ago Earl Creston had called him to work for his own armory. He quickly proved himself very capable. The Earl had an interest in the the process behind creating armor and liked Jacob for both his hard work as well as his strong faith in the lord. The Earl had spent quite some time talking with Jacob who was given learning on how to properly conduct himself with the ruling class. As time progressed Earl Harrington found him a very useful resource.

About six months ago the King had set out messages warning all his subjects to be on the look out for witchcraft and other devious behavior. The Earl wanting to earn favor spent a considerable amount of coin in having cases investigated as well as enforcing correct punishment when needed. Earl Creston acquired the instructions for forging and assembling a device know as a witches pear.

Jacob thought it was a cruel device but unfortunately was a necessary evil of the times he lived in. It took some time but he created one for the Earl who had his interrogator use the device on several women. The women had been very stubborn until this point and would not divulge important information. After each women had felt the pear open up they confessed.

The Earl's interrogator was impressed with the craftsmanship of the device so this made Jacob all the more favorable.

It was an early morning and Jacob had just arose. He lived in a nice stone house that was far more pleasant than most other dwellings in the area. This workshop was near by which was very convenient. He was about the depart for work when there was a sudden knock at the door.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

When he opened the door he saw two of the Earl's messengers stood to attention.

One said in a firm voice “Your presence has been requested by Earl Creston. You will come with us”

A little surprised Jacob Responded “Of course. I am ready now if you like”

“Now would be better. The Earl has requested your immediate presence”

Behind the two men was a horse drawn carriage, the two men gestured almost in unison for him to step inside. Jacob stepped out of his house onto the cobbled street then opened the door of the carriage. As he entered he saw the inside was padded with fabric making it very comfortable. He felt very important as the two messengers mounted the outside of the cabin. He heard the reins rattle then the horses began to move the carriage. He sat back watching people stare as he was transported past them. This was a comfort he could get used to.

Some time later the carriage stopped outside the large wooden gates of the castle. The two messengers explained who they were then they were to the guard then were let inside. Inside the castle grounds he instantly noticed how the people were dressed better and were obviously his social betters. Also the grounds were very well kept, gardening for aesthetics was a thing he had never seen before. Across the grass he saw three young ladies talking to each other. His mind immediately came up with several sinful things he could do with any one of them. These thoughts were soon interrupted as the carriage came to a stop at the main entrance to the tower. It was a formidable structure and the tallest for far around. It had several floors to house the Earl as well as his family. One of the messengers opened the carriage door.

“Out you come lad, the Earl is waiting for you”

Jacob stepped out looking up as he did, many people were intimidated by the tower but Jacob moved on masking his emotions. He walked up some stone stairs then though a set of wooden doors. Inside the keep was very well decorated, or at least far better decorated than Jacob had ever seen. There was a smooth stone floor with wooden cladding on the walls. Candles provided light down each corridor, a luxury few could afford.

The two messengers escorted him upstairs to a room flanked by two guards. They had plate breast plates with chain mail suits underneath. Each one held a polearm and looked like they were more than capable of using it. There was also a shield above the door showing the Earl's coat of arms. As they approached the guards one of the messengers said to the guards “We have Jacob the blacksmith to see his lordship”

“Very well, he is expected and can go in. Alone” responded one of the guards

The guard opened the door letting Jacob walk inside. In the room there was a large table covered in letters in the middle and a good sized window with a commanding view. The Earl was staring out of the window as Jacob entered but soon turned around.

The earl was lavishly dressed in fine clothes with accompanying jewelry. He was 42 years old yet still had a muscular body. The Earl also had a well trimmed beard and a warm presence. Once the Earl turned around Jacob dropped to one knee.

“It is an honor to meet you once more my lord, how may I be of service?”

The Earl gestured with his hand “Arise young man”

Jacob then stood up as the Earl walked across the room to the table. Pointing to the letters he said “There has been much talk recently of witches in the area. Their evil is growing stronger in these parts and I have assured the king it will be dealt with!”

The earl made a fist and slammed it down onto the table to dramatize his point.

“To aid in this the king has now demanded acts of debauchery be investigated as well. As these offend god and without god''s blessing we are all doomed. It is unfortunate but the people implicated in these matter often need more aggressive interrogation before they speak the truth. This is why I have summoned you”

Jacob looked a little surprised but remained silent. He knew he was only to speak when asked.

"The man who I usually call upon to interrogate suspects has taken ill so I call upon you. You have helped in the past and will be handsomely paid for your services. Can I count on you?”

Jacob nodded “Yes my lord, I will do as commanded”

With a smile the Earl responded “Excellent, your role will be to aid a woman called sister Beatrix from a near by monastery who will be doing most of the questioning. You will then apply torture if needed. I implore you to familiarize yourself with the methods, start with the lesser tortures then only move to crueler ones if they are ineffective”

“Yes my lord”

The Earl picked up a letter form the table.

“I received this two days ago and it has troubled me deeply. It is a letter written anonymously informing me of acts of depravity happening within these very walls. The writer tells of several women and a male meeting in a room to commit acts on sin without remorse. There is also the mention of possible demonic behavior as well. The only name mentioned is a young girl called Anne wellsworth who the writer says is he only one they could identify. Anne works as a chamber maid but I have had her detained until she can be questioned. I will have one of the guards take you to sister Beatrix who you will be working with. Do as she says and if you preform well coin will follow. Understood?”

“Yes my lord I understand and am grateful for the chance to serve you”

“Very good” Said Earl Creston with a smile. He then called out “Guard!”

The door opened and one of the guards leaned his head in. “Yes my lord”

The Earl stated “Take this man to see Sister Beatrix at once”

Nodding his head the guard responded “yes my lord”

Jacob bowed then walked out of the room to be escorted to see the sister. He was taken to the other side of the tower by the guard who brought him to a door in a quieter area. The guard then knocked on the door.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

“Sister Beatrix I have the blacksmith to see you”

A woman's voice responded “Send him in then leave us”

The door creaked as Jacob opened it then entered the room. The room was sparse compared to the rest of the keep with a few candles providing light. In the middle of the room the was a metal bath tub that sister Beatrix was bathing in facing away from Jacob. She stood up completely naked and she heard Jacob gasp.

She looked over the shoulder as she picked up a large cloth to dry herself and said “O dear young man you are going to see much more of a woman if you and I are to work together. You are able to handle it aren't you?”

He stared at her body for a moment. She was slender with beautiful curves, a total surprise for him. A closer look showed many old scares from where she had been whipped across her back. He cleared his thoughts and replied “I was just surprised Sister Beatrix that was all. I am ready to do what ever is needed”

She turned to face his showing him her breasts. He stood calmly not wanting to show any sock for fear of loosing his new appointment before it had begun. She had well rounded breasts that he could have enjoyed all day but again a closer look showed she had lash marks over her front as well. She had clearly had a troubled past. She said to him “That is good to hear and please just call me Beatrix. I don't want any of my church background mentioned as we do the dark work in the lords name”

He nodded as he watched the candle light constantly move the shadows cast on her body. She covered herself somewhat with the cloth sheet then stepped out of the bath. Her feet made damp thudding sound as she then walked behind a decorative wooden screen to get dressed. Her attitude was almost playful but he knows she is not a faint heated creature.

As she dressed she said “Has the earl told you of your new roles. I need a person who is very capable for this appointment”

Promptly he responded “Yes I am to assist in the interrogation of those accused of misdeeds. To torture if necessary”

Her head turned towards him as she rubbed her body with the cloth. “And are you up to that task?”

He gave one distinct nod “Yes I am”

A smile crept over her face “Excellent as we have one who will be in need of your services in the cells right now”

Once she had dried she put on a black dress. It had exposed arms and went down to just below her knee. It was made of simple black fabric that fitted tightly. She then used a white rope as a belt then stepped into some shoes.

As she put on a chain neckless with a wooden cross she said “As well as not calling me a sister I choose not to dress as one. The black is for my morning or the soles who we must press”

“I understand”

“Come then young man we have much to do”

They then left the room and headed though the halls to exit the keep. Nearby was the prison tower where there victim was held. It was the corner tower of the castle that had a fearsome reputation. As they entered Jacob noticed it lacked the welcoming, wealthy feel of the main keep but instead had a cold and unforgiving in nature. The walls were bare stone and there were far more guards.

One of the guards that appeared to be in charge came to great Beatrix.

“Shall we send the prisoner to the interrogation room, ma lady” The guard said in a cold voice.

“Yes, if you can. We would like to begin questioning. We will head there now and meet you there”

“Very good ma lady”

Jacob simply nodded to the guard then Beatrix then lead him deeper into the tower. Finally she opened a heavy wooden door which had an eye slit on it then then entered the chamber. Jacob looked around knowing he quickly had to familiarize himself with the place.

The room had a small table with a chair at one end that had restrains on it, he presumed this was to tie down a victim. Then again against wall there was a frame in the shape of an inverted Y that a person could be tied to with their legs held apart. Lastly he noticed a smaller table against the wall with a few whips, pliers and other tools of torture. “Not the best stocked torture chamber in the land but it would suffice” he thought to himself.

Beatrix turned to him “Are you going to be able to do what needs to be done here?”

“Yes I am Beatrix”

With that the door opened as two guards brought in a young woman. They each held her by one of her arms as they brought her in. She was about 20 years old with short blonde hair and blue eyes. The girl was wearing a simple gown that covered a slim figure underneath. She was cooperating with the guards but looked panicked about the situation. Her gaze quickly moved around the room then at the two interrogators. She knew she was in trouble and nothing would save her from it.

Beatrix pointed to the chair then the guards sat her down I it. They tied her hands behind her back then strapped a belt around her waist to steady her. Once finished Beatrix said “Thank you, I'll let you know when we need you”

One walked strait out of the room while the other responded “We'll be outside awaiting you ma lady”

“Very good”

The two men exited then closed the heavy door behind them. The thud it made as it closed reverberated though the room. Then Beatrix sat on one of the other chairs on the opposite side of the table to the girl. Jacob simply crossed him arms as he waited to be needed.

Beatrix looks at the girl “So you are Anne are you not”

The panicked girl replied “I am ma lady”

“Do you know why you are here?”

“They said something about debauchery and witchcraft but I have never had any dealing with witches.... I am a good christian, I am, honest”

Beatrix replied in a firm voice “There, there now. That may be the case but we will find out the details later. You attend some of the younger ladies of the house who are accused of those acts. I know you have information about these people and I want that information. If you are not forthcoming then my assistant here will press you physically”

No even more panicked Anne said “I am a good girl I know not of such acts I swear”

“I have heard from good sources that you do know of such acts, now talk!”

She shook her head then pulled with her arms against the restraints. She was tied securely and was clearly frightened of what was to come.

“I don't know ma lady please. Please believe me. Don't hurt me please”

Beatrix looked annoyed. “Enough! Jacob cut away her clothes so you may begin work”

With a slight nod he replied “Very well”

From the small table he picked up a short but sharp knife then walked over to Anne. Jacob then stood behind her as her heart rate increased. He could sense her fear as he moved the blade to her shoulder and started to cut the fabric of her gown. In a jagged motion he cut though the cloth as Anne whimpered. Beatrix watched as he cut away her gown knowing this would make her more vulnerable or at least expose her breasts for torture.

Once her had cut the gown at both shoulders he pulled it down in one quick action. As this happened she gasped as her breasts fell out.

Beatrix looked at her sternly “I don't want to have to push you but if you don't talk I will instruct him to begin the cruelty. You have nice young breasts and it would be a shame to have to spoil them”

Breathing very rapidly Anne responded “Please. Please! I don't know anything of debauchery or spells”

Beatrix signed then looked to Jacob “Jacob pick up the pliers then take it to her flesh. Start soft but slowly increase the bite”

With a nod “Very well”

Jacob walked to the table then swapped the knife for a set of pliers. He turned to see the frightened young girl then took a moment to admire her breasts. They were a good size and sat well on her chest he thought. He especially liked the look of them as they heaved up and down from her deep breathing.

He walked slowly to position himself behind her knowing his slow steps built suspense in his victim. Then when behind her he cupped her left breast with one hand then used the other to control the pliers. First he positioned them in front of her face then she watched as he opened then closed them. Once she had seen the tool he moved it down her body. She gasped as the cold steal touched her nipple the looked in horror as he opened the pilers, positioned them then finally bit down with them.


She screamed as the steal clamped down onto the soft flesh of her left nipple. Jacob knew from previous experience how sensitive this part of a woman can be so he knew it was hurting her. After a while he put more force onto the pliers so they bit harder then twisted the pliers as she screamed out.

Beatrix sat back in her chair contently watching as the girl suffered her torture, she almost seemed to enjoy watching the girls pain. Then after a couple of minutes passed he released the pliers grip on her then stood back. Her nipple was swollen and bruised from the ordeal which was clearly visible. After she stopped crying out she then sobbed looking down at her wounded breast.

Beatrix slammed her fit onto the table.


“Now you know we are serious tell me what you know of ungodly behavour or we move to your next breast”

Panting the girl responded “I don't know... Please stop please”

Beatrix nodded to Jacob he knew that was his signal. "If she was not going to tell any usefull information then there was no point listening to her"

Next he cupped her right breast then applied the pliers to her other nipple. As before he established a good grip then twisted the nipple to cause more pain.


Her screaming resumed showing the effect of the pliers. After a while this time he pulled the nipple away from her body stretching it. With her eye opened wide she watched her nipple strain as he pulled on it. Beatrix simply watched.

After a few minutes he let go then moved back to her other nipple. Next he stretched that one as well seeing how much it hurt her the first time. Her screams echoed around the stone room as the torture continued.

After he had stretched the nipples he used the pliers to bite into random bits of skin on her breast around the nipples. This left deep red marks that quickly turned purple. Soon the girls breast looked beaten and defeated. After about 15 minutes Beatrix waved her hand at Jacob signaling him to stop.

Leaning forward she stared at Anne “Well then little girl those titties at not looking so well now are they.

Crying Anne said “You did not need to do that to me I don't know anything. Please no more. Please!”

“Your cries for mercy are lost on me girl. Talk!”

Anne shook her head “I don't know of what you ask ma lady”

Looking impatient Beatrix called out “Guards!”

Almost strait away the two guard opened the door then enter ed the chamber. They did not look surprised to see the girl with her breasts exposed.

“Guards please remove her from the chair then tie her to the frame” Beatrix pointed to the inverted Y frame.

“Yes ma lady” said one of the guards then they did as commanded.

Then untied her then dragged her to the frame. She did not struggle as the men affixed her to it. They tied her hands together then fixed them to a chain. They then pulled the chain up so her arms were hoisted up over her head. Next then firmly tied her ankles to the bottom of the frame then they lifted her gown as they connected together two thick straps around her thighs just above the knee. To add more stability they applied another strap to her arms just above her head. With her body pulled tightly this allowed her very little movement.

Once complete one guard said “Ma lady will that be all?”

Beatrix nodded “Yes that will be all for now”

“Very good ma lady”

With that the two guards exited leaving them to their work. Beatrix turned to Jacob “Now young man. Cut off her clothes”

Beatrix then moved the chair she had been sitting on then sat back down as if to watch a play. Anne looked frightened as ever knowing the torture was about to go to another level. Jacob did as commanded then picked up the knife again then walked over to her. Anne watched as if she was curious to she her clothes removed. He took the knife and cut the fabric. He cut down the middle then pulled away the tattered garment leaving her naked.

She turned her head to the side in shame as Jacob saw her full naked body. She had a beautiful figure with soft young skin. He looked to her groin to she the whole area was now very exposed and the leather straps around her legs meant she could not close them. He then turned to Beatrix for an instruction not wanting to admit he was unsure of how to proceed.

Beatrix saw this and pondered for a few seconds then said “Use the three tailed whip on her body. Use it firm to see if the girl will start to talk sense”

Jacob picked up the whip as instructed. It had a wooden handle with a long peace of leather attached to one end. The leather split into three tails each had a knot tied in it to add extra pain. He then positioned himself in front of her to begin the lashes. After seeing her body again he could not help be be a little aroused.

With her hands pulled up tight and her legs parted he had a full view of her body. He was able to see every contour of her eye pleasing form but knew he must contain himself. As he prepared the whip he saw her watching him. There eyes locked and he saw desperation in her eyes. She then closed them as she braced herself for pain as she knew it was going to be bad.

He then propelled the whip forward then pulled back at the last second so it would snap back adding to the force.


The sound was very clear as the whip struck her skin instantly causing three red makes to appear on her stomach. She then cried out from the pain.



He landed another strike on the girls flesh leaving more marks.


Tears streamed down her face as she suffered the pain.


He knew the importance of keeping a good constant rhythm so her pain did not lessen.


She continued to scream as the whip struck her body leaving its mark on her. Beatrix was pleased with his work and called out “Very good young man please don't stop”

Anne pulled on the restraints with her hands and legs as she spasmed with pain. All she could really move was her head which she did frantically. She felt him making sure plenty of lashes struck her breasts as well as her woman hood. The one mercy was he could not strike her sensitive place directly but he was getting good at getting one of the tails to hit the folds of skin between her legs. Both Anne and Jacob learned that those folds of skin caused the most pain when hit.

After one cruel hit to those folds of skin she managed to look him in the eyes. He nearly lost his rhythm as he looked back. He knew that was her sensitive place and it was his job to hurt her. She knew what he was doing and why he was aiming down there. Knowing that she almost respected him for doing it.

After a few dozen lashes Beatrix stood up. “Enough”

Jacob stopped as ordered then stepped back. He could see her body from her upper thighs to her breasts were covered in lash marks. In some placed the skin had broken with some visible blood. It took a few moments for the screams to subside before Anne started to sob. The lash marks were still causing her pain.

Beatrix walked up to her as Anne let her head fall loose. Beatrix grabbed her by her chin then turned Anne's head towards her. “I can see you breaking little girl. Now we will continue until we get the truth from you”

The girl said “I... I.. Cant tell you”

Beatrix interrupted “O so you cant tell me. And why is that? Who are you protecting?”

“Urrrr Urrrr. I. Cant say because I don't know”

“We both know you are lying to me girl. Now how much longer do you think you can keep this up?”

“Please no more I cant tell you because I don't know”

Jacob heard the way she first said “I can't tell you” He also picked up there was a reason she could not tell the truth. He had some doubt as to weather the girl knew anything before but now he knew she did.

Beatrix looked at Jacob “Now get the pliers and this time take them here”

She pointed at the girls womanhood.

“Start on the outer folds then move inwards. Bite her hard”

He nodded then collected the pliers from the table. As he did Beatrix went to the door then said something to one of the guards.

He gripped them firmly as she watched him walk over to her. He saw her leg muscles tense as if she was trying to close her legs but it was not use. She started crying again as he knelt down in front of her to start the torture. First he ran the steal though the skin in a stroking motion as she gasped. He heard her whining as he clamped the metal down around a piece of her flesh. That was when the screaming resumed.

He twisted the flesh as he had done with her nipples then pulled down. This stretched the skin out causing her screams to increase. Once he had twisted and stretched one part he gripped another bit of flesh then repeated the sequence. The folds quickly swelled up after they had felt the torture, another sign he was hurting her.

After 15 minutes of torture the door opened then Beatrix went over. Looking back he saw her collect some candles from one of the guards before the door closed again. He took little notice and resumed torturing the girl.

She was in constant pain as she felt the pliers working. Looking down she saw him hurting her but then kept leaning her head back to cry out. She had given up on any attempt to close her legs as it was futile.

After he had worked her outer lips he used his left hand open her up to access deeper. He used his thumb and forefinger to pull back the folds to access the pink softer skin inside. As before his twisted then stretched the flesh but noticed a higher pitched scream from her. What he had failed to touch with the whip he was now touching with the pliers.


She shook her head side to side as Beatrix watched on very impressed with her new accomplice. He had remembered a place he stroked a woman to please her in the past. He probed with his fingers then pushed back the inner hood to reveal her bud. Next he carefully put the pliers onto it as she looked down.

“” She screamed out as he then began to crush it.

She threw her head back and let out a constant scream as he nearly burst it open. Then after a moment she looked at Beatrix.

“Wait. Please Stop I know something”

Jacob released his grip then stood up. He stepped back so Beatrix could talk to their victim. Beatrix walked over to her the said “Well tell me what you know. Or back to the pliers”

After a few deep breaths she said “There is a room in the guest wing where a few ladies. Noble ones meet after dark. I hear they remove there clothes then play naked. They do this as they don't care of gods rules”

“Very good young girl now give me names”

“I don't know any I heard just talk honest”

“Now girl you did not hold out against the whip or the bite of pliers to save that information. You know more”

She shook her head. Then seeing this Beatrix turned to Jacob and said “Put the pliers back on the spot you had them at last then tighten slowly”

He got on his knees and did as commanded. He probed her folds then found the bud that had swollen up a bit. He assumed this was from the previous crushing it had taken. He got the bud in the pliers then nodded to Beatrix.

Beatrix grabbed the girls head with both hands tightly the said to her face “Tell me there names or he will crush your bud”

She looked panicked then her eyes opened wide as he applied pressure to it. Beatrix watched the girls face as she felt her bud being crushed. Anne clenched her jaw then closed her eyes as the pressure built up. After a time Jacob felt it all of a sudden give way. It went with a crunch like an egg would he thought.

Beatrix held the girls head as she screamed uncontrollably then let go after a few seconds. Beatrix signaled to Jacob to stop so she stood up then they both watched Anne squirm on the frame as she cried out.


Jacob saw Beatrix smile as he girl suffered but after some time she stopped screaming then sobbed to herself. Beatrix picked up the crying girls head then said “Your lies have just cost you something very important to you. Now they will cost you more if you are not honest”

After a few breaths Anne said “They were noble guests. I am not sure who maybe the other girls know. Ask them”

Beatrix piked up a candle then lit it using one of the torches on the wall. “I know you are hiding more from me. If that was all you knew then you would have revealed that at the start. You are not very good at this game and you are loosing. Just give me names then you will not have to feel the flame of this candle burn your womanhood”

Anne looked the candle with pure fear in her eyes. “Please don't burn me. Please don't burn me down there you're a woman too”

“I am a woman so I know it will be painful”

Beatrix handed the candle to Jacob “Now make sure the flame touches her flesh then move it up and down the folds slowly”

He nodded then knelt back down. Anne looked at the flame in a panic then her breathing quickened as it got closer. He moved the flame to near her stomach then started to move it down slowly. When she felt the heat on her body she said “Young man please have mercy”

Jacob ignored her plea then moved the candle down. As it got closer the flame burned the soft hairs away leaving a strong smell. Seeing the flame get close she tried to raise herself up on her toes to no success. Then he applied the flame to her lips as instructed. She screamed.


He watched as the flame appeared to lick the skin as he moved it slowly. Left and right of his face he saw her legs twitching from the pain but she was held still. As he pulled the flame back towards him he made sure it stopped on the spot he was just using the pliers. Her screams continued.

After nearly a minute of this Anne Cried out “AAARRRRRRR Stop...... Howick.......Benezia...Stop”

Breatrix gave Jacob a tap on the shoulder then her removed the flame. As she panted Anne repeated “Lady Howick and Lady Benezia. They are the names”

Beatrix responded “Well done girl now why hide that for so long?”

Anne gulped some air before talking. Jacob listen carefully as he wanted to know that as well.

“The women are very powerful and made me swear an oath of secrecy. I took them drinks to their room while they carried out the acts. I also stood guard and they said if I tell on them then I too as an accomplish will be executed”

Beatrix placed her right hand on the side of her head “There, there I understand you were under pressure but as you were only an accomplish you may be spared a painful execution. I will report you cooperated so you may still be released”

Jacob was surprised to hear compassion in Beatrix's voice. Anne looked at her and said “I am sorry I..”

Beatrix interrupted “It is ok I will do all I can for you now it was just those two women. Any others?”

Anne nodded with tears still flowing “But one other helped me keep watch at times. Lady Harrington is her name. She is new but is involved?”

Beatrix pondered “I know those two names. They do have some power but that last one has fallen out of favor. That will be all I need but you will need to remain here until your fate is decided”

Beatrix put her hand on the side of the girls face "Now young girl before we untie you I want you to feel the flame on your lips again and this time for a little longer"

She looked back at Beatrix shocked "Why? I have told you everything. Why?" 

"You do deserve more pain" Beatrix looked to Jacob "Resume burning her womanhood now please"

The girl cried as Jacob moved the candle back to her lips. She screamed in desperation as it was put under her then the scream was of pain. Jacob moved the flame as before making sure it was close to her skin to burn her more. He saw the skin go a dark red then look as if it was drying out from the burning. He moved the candle down her lips making sure he burned her towards the back or her womanhood not wanting to leave a part out.


Next he used his left thumb and forefinger to part her lips at the point a mans member would enter her. He parted the lips at the point of her hole then put the candle under the hole so that part was burned. Anne's eyes opened wide as she felt the flame burn inside her. He kept the flame still feeling some heat himself but knowing it was hell for her. For over a minute he burned her in that spot before Beatrix ordered him to stop.

"You may stop now Jacob"

The girl looked scared as well as suffering from the burns now. Beatrix said "There girl now you have been burned sufficiently you will now be sent back to your cell"

Scared the girl responded "Thank you"

Beatrix then turned to Jacob “Come now we must form our plan”

The two walked out of the door leaving Anne on the frame. As they left the chamber Beatrix turned to one of the guards “Thank you both for your help. Now see this girl is given a warm bed and a good meal. She must remain in prison for now but she should be given some comfort”

Jacob was again surprised by her actions. Beatrix was turning into a very complex individual indeed.

“come Jacob let us leave the tower”

The pair exited the tower to find it was getting dark. Both instantly noticed the clearer air.

“You did very well Jacob. Very well. I see you have what it takes but in future the victims will have more to loose so you will be required to torture them more severely. Can you handle that?”

“Yes Beatrix I can. I will do what is needed but I will need more tools that we had in that room. Could I have one of the pears perhaps?”

“Yes I will arrange for one of the pears to be brought back plus here are some coins. The first bag is your payment and the second one if to cover costs of you building a torture rack. Then any other tools you will need”

He was shocked at the amount of money but hide his feelings. “Thank you this should cover the cost”

“Excellent, but time is of the essence so I will speak with the Earl right now and see if we will be granted permission to investigate lady Harrington. That will be our next step but I will collect any tools that I think will be of use. Now a carriage is ready for you to take you home. Get some rest and I will contact you soon.”

“Very well good night” He said to her then they parted company.

Jacob looked in the coin purse for him to see it was more money then he earned in the whole of last month. He felt positive about his experiences that day. Torture was needed to find the truth and that amount of pay would certainly alleviate any guilt.

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