Friday 8 January 2016

The Bandit Girl

When they Awoke the next morning Beatrix and Jacob were invited to breakfast with the mayor and his wife. They sat in a large hall around a big oak table with just the four of them along with some servants waiting on them. Jacob had never known such privilege but refrained from speaking out.

Beatrix said "Why thank you for your hospitality Mayor Hampton. We are both very grateful for what you have done"

With a laugh the Mayor replied "Ha think nothing of it. I am always happy to help those doing the lords work"
"That's very kind of you. We had to travel far and these roads are often not safe at night"

The mayor's wife spoke out. She was younger than him with dark drown hair. “I heard you used torture on lady Harrington while you questioned her. Her family have never been right so it is no surprise but do you mind if I ask what tortures were used?”

Beatrix put down her fork “Well it was rather server are you sure you wish to know?”

“That I do” replied the woman.

“Very well. We tied her to a table with her legs apart. Then with her womanhood exposed I ordered her to be whipped there. A good sized whip was used so she was caused much pain. With her legs spread she was unable to move so direct, hard lashes were felt by her yet did not reveal any more information”

The Mayors wife sounded please at what was done “Sounds good such cruelty should be used on a woman like that. Lashing such a sensitive area of a woman would be effective. Now what else was done?”

“Next hot coals were used to burn the lips very slowly. With careful touches she suffered for quite a while. Over time the coal was pressed against her womanhood all over both external lips then the lips were parted to burn her between them. but after that we used the pear”

“A pear was used on her womanhood?”

“Yes and it was fully opened as well. It tore her horribly but was needed. She screamed so loudly as she felt it damage her”

“Good she deserved such. Will she survive?”

“I am not sure. A red hot metal rod was also pushed into her afterwards. If she recovers then it will be a long recovery but she may also die. It is in gods hands now”

Jacob was very surprised by her interest in torture but kept quiet. Beatrix then said “Well again we are very grateful for your hospitality. Is there anything we can do for you?”

The mayor looked a little more seriously at Beatrix "Well I would actually like to ask for your help if I may? I will pay you both very well if you will assist me with a matter?"

Beatrix responded "Of course, how may we be of service?"

"Well as you know we have a problem with bandits in the area. They are hurting trade with this township depends on to survive"

"Yes I understand it is a serious problem Mayor Hampton"

"But last night a during a robbery my men got to there just in time to stop them and catch one of them. She is a young red headed girl, a nasty thing but she will know where there main camp is. The problem is she wont tell us anything and my men are too scared to apply torture. I need to know where the bandits live so will you help me?"

Beatrix nodded "Jacob and I will be happy to help you in this matter. My partner here is very skilled at getting information so we should have little trouble"

"O thank you I am very grateful"

All three of them finished there breakfast then the mayor took them to see the girl. They walled out of the house to a near by barn where the horses were normally kept. It was a bout 50 feet from the main house across some grass.

The weather had been good so the grass was firm and as they walked up the the barn they heard to guards talking inside. The door was open so they went inside the wooden structure. It was about 40 feet long by 20 wide with a high roof.  Inside there were two wooden pillars that went up to the roof for support with a beam about 10 feet off the ground connecting them. Down the sides were stalls for horses and all over the ground there was hay.

Tied to one of the pillars was the girl while two guards stood watch. She had shoulder length red hair as described by the mayor. She was sat down with her arms tied behind her back looking down. When she heard more people entering the room she looked up at them. She had a round face with big eyes as well as a look of hate on her face. She was wearing dark pants and a near black shirt probably to hide better at night with.

The mayor said "Here is the girl now do to her what you need. I'll leave the details to you"

Beatrix looked to Jacob "As you are the professional how would you like to start?"

He looked at the two pillar with the beam running between them then said "I have an idea. Guards here is some rope. Please tie a length to both her wrists and ankles then we will hang her off this beam"

He pointed to the beam then the guards nodded and did as asked. She struggled as they untied her from the pillar then tied the longer pieces of rope that Jacob had given them. Each piece was about 12 feet long and quite thick.

Once the ropes were attached they were frown up over the beam then Jacob grabbed one and a guard got the other. Then then both pulled so she was hoisted up with her arms stretched out. She still had her feet on the ground which Jacob wanted. Then they secured the rope leaving her stood looking at them with her arms pulled up. Next they got the roped tied to her ankles and pulled her legs apart. They then secured the ropes to the pillars. This left her with her legs wide apart and her standing on her tip toes.

Jacob then said "Thank you guards leave the rest to me"

Beatrix saw her restrained with her limps pulled outwards and was impressed "Now I will leave with the mayor to discuss future business. Do to her as you like but we will want to hear her screams as we talk"

Jacob responded "I will make her scream there is no worry of that. You can leave me with her now"

With that the two guards, the mayor and Beatrix left the barn then closed the big wooden door behind them. Jacob picked up a knife then walked up to the girl. Her large eye were fixed on the blade as he moved closer to her.

"Now then girl as you will not cooperate I am to torture you for the information. You will tell me where your camp is"

She looked at him then said in a angry tone "you'll get nothing from me"

"Very well"

He took the blade then cut away her clothes. First he removed the shirt from her revealing a thin but muscular body with small perk breasts. As she breathed he could see her ribs under her skin. Next her cut way her pants, one leg at a time her cut away the fabric.

Once removed she was naked. Jacob could she she had a very curvy figure with large thighs and buttocks. He normally preferred breasts in a woman but found himself staring at her legs, the were most beautiful he thought. As she looked between her legs past the downy fir he saw the inner parts of her womanhood protruded the lips.

He put two finger together then while standing close to her he touched her womanhood. She tried to resist but it was no use so she just watched him as he stroked her lips. He then pinched the soft protruding flesh between his forefinger and thumb "This will make an excellent target for my whip"

She snarled at him "What are you waiting for then? strike it"

He tilted his head to a side "So you want me to hurt you?'

"I know you will so you may as well start. You have my bud in your grip and I know you want to hurt me there"

"Very well"

Jacob then pinched it as hard as he could. She closed her eyes then gritted her teeth as she felt the pain. He then twisted the flesh to increase the pain and as he did she looked right at him. He twisted a little harder then she cried out.


After a minute he let go of her then watched as she panted for breath. She was clearly not happy with the violation as she stared at him with a foul expression. Jacob stepped away to collect a whip, one he had it he showed it to her. It had a wooden handle and from that came a long strip of leather with a knot in the end.

"Look at this real close"

He moved the whip close to her face. Her eyes followed it as it was moved.

"I bet this will leave a few marks"

"Do what you must to me"

"I will"

Jacob then walked behind her then struck her with the whip.

He lashed her across the back then readied himself to strike her again.


She grit her teeth trying not to scream, so much did she want to deify him. Seeing this he lashed her again but harder


She let out a cry as the third lash struck her she hated herself for doing it but the pain was very high. She felt so exposed with her limbs stretched out and the whip he had chosen was a very cruel one.


He struck her again and watched as she tensed her muscles causing her whole body to shake with each lash. After watching this he struck her again.


Her cries of pain were getting louder so at least the mayor and Beatrix would be happy. He carried on lashing her all over her back, buttocks and thighs with the whip. After she had taken 40 lashes her back was covered in red lash marks with some having drawn blood. Despite the red marks her body was still very appealing to him so as they were alone he walked up behind her.

He placed his hands on her back then ran them down to her thighs while very much enjoying her smooth skin. Then he moved his hands up to her breasts so he could cup them. He kept his left hand fondling her left breast then he sent his right one down to her womanhood. Once there she gasped as she looked down at his exploring hands.

"What the ......" She said as he began to softly caress the soft folds of skin as if to please her. He did not just know of how to pain a woman he knew how to please one and wanted to demonstrate that. At first she did not like the violation but then she gave into it. She did not know why but she started to like it. She lent her head back then started to grind her pelvis in time with his strokes.

"Ummmmmmmmm. Oooo"

She began to make sounds of pleasure as he touched her just right. She forgot about the torture as her mind cleared and she enjoyed him fingering her. He moved his head over her shoulder the said "Do you like this?"

She nodded "O yes"

"Shall I continue"

"Yes please do. I would love to please you as well but I would have to be let down and we both know that cant Ummmmmmmm. happen."

"It's ok just enjoy it"

He wanted to be nice to her as he knew she would be first tortured the painfully executed. He also found himself very attracted to her body as well as loving her strength. She grind harder as he fingered her and her moans of pleasure got louder. He moved his left hand to cover her mouth so anyone would thing they were gagged cries of pain.

A few more minutes passed then he noticed her mouth opened wide then her whole body twitched. He did not stop the motions of his finger until he felt them dampen as she climaxed. He pulled his fingers away then walked around to the front of her. As they looked at each other she licked her bottom lip having enjoyed what had just happened.

"We can end this here if you tell me where the camp is. They need not know where the information came from, just tell"

She looked at the whip in his had "I cant tell you so you must resume whipping my body. At least my screams will please your employers"

He was very taken back by the girl. He was surprised she was able to feel pleasure despite being tied up like that and her acceptance that he must continue the torture was something he never expected.

"Very well but I will whip the front of your body now"

She turned her head to the side then closed her eyes bracing for pain. He then lashed her with the whip.



She cried out as the whip struck her across her left breast.


Her body shook violently from the pain as the pulled on the ropes. She was right at least her screams will please Beatrix and the mayor.


He struck her again causing another scream. She was very strong to be able to take all this without breaking.


Another lash hit her breasts. He found hitting them caused her the most pain.


He aimed and hit her as close to her womanhood as he could. He would not be able to hit the lips directly like this but continued the whip her and aim for her sensitive areas as often as he could. As the lashes continued red marks appeared all over her. But unlike before he could see her feeling the pain. He watched tear fall fro her eyes and the look of horror in her eyes as she watched him unleash another lash.

After 40 or so lashed he Knelt down on one knee giving him a good view of what was between her legs. He held the handle of the whip in his right hand while holding the leather in his left. He aimed for the delicate bud that was between her lips. He knew he could hit it if he aimed just right.

Jacob launched the whip and struck her on the very top of where her lips begin. It was not exactly on target but she screamed louder than before. After steadying the whip he hit her again but this time he was the whip hit her right on her bud. God must hate her giving her a bud that protruded like that Jacob thought as he saw it wobble from the strike.

She screamed and tried to twist her body frantically. She wanted so much to close her legs but could not, knowing this she clenched her teeth then waited for him to whip her again.


He hit her bud again, he knew it was right on target and so did she as she felt the pain from it run though her. Now each lash landed right on her most delicate skin causing her horrible pain. He thought she might break but she took the lashes one after the other.

He paused to check the skin for damage but noticed she started to push out her stomach so her womanhood would be harder to hit.

He placed her hand on her stomach carefully "Please don't do that" he said softly.

She looked down "I am sorry" She said in a soft voice as if she wanted to do as he said.

She then tensed her stomach and bent her knees so he was able to get a good view of her. In fact it was better than before so he could strike her more effectively. The skin was very swollen and he had cut her with the whip as well. But as he had her in this position he readied the whip to give her another lash.


Her whole body shook as she screamed out. She struggled for a moment then when she stopped she pushed her pelvis forward as before presenting him her womanhood. He was surprised by this but took the chance to strike it again.

He prepared the whip then lashed her as hard as he could.


She continued to thrash about for a bit until she calmed down then breathed deeply. She let her head fall down as he gently touched the skin he had been whipping. Her skin felt warmer after it had felt the whip. He stood you the she raised her head as he did so he was looking right at her.

"If you will not talk then you know I must escalate the torture"

"I do, you must do as you have too"

Jacob had noticed two iron bars that he thought would be useful for her torture. They were about three feet long with a ring at each end and one in the middle. They were used on horse draw carriages but were just the thing he was looking for. 

He put one on the iron bars at her feet then untied them from the rope connecting them to the pillars. He then used smaller bits of rope to tie each foot to one of the rings at each end. She watched inquisitively as he tied her feet to the bar unsure of what her next torture would be.

Jacob then picked up another length of rope then tied one end to the ring in the middle of the bar. Next he tied the other one to the pillar about three feet off the ground. This pulled her body to the side but she still did not know what was to happen to her.

He then untied her arms so she was sitting on the stool. Then with two small bits of rope he tied both her hands to the rings on the sides on the iron bar. Jacob did this in the same way as he had done with her feet. The girl was still not sure what was happening yet did not struggle with the change.

Finally with one longer bit of rope he tied one end to the ring in the middle of the bar now attached to her wrists. Then he pulled her back and wrapped the rope around the other pillar. This caused her to be pulled back so she was laying flat facing upwards. Once pulled around the pillar he tied the other end of the rope to the middle ring forming a loop.

He did this so he could push a length of wood between the rope and the pillar then turn it to tighten the rope as he planned to stretch her.

Once the ropes were in place he found a suitable length of wood to tighten her and pushed it between the pillar and the rope. The force of her body kept it in place as he looked at her. She was laying face u breathing deeply. Her buttocks were still touching the stool and the metal bars kept her arms and legs slightly apart.

"Now then girl do you know what I have planned?"

She nodded looking frightened "Yes... I am to be stretched"

"That is correct. I will stretch you slowly to hurt you more and more. The longer you do not tell the truth the more your body will be pulled apart. Will you confess or stretch"

Her lips trembled "I will .... Stretch"

With that he walked around to the back of the pillar holding her arms. Jacob then gripped the length of wood then  steadily began to turn it. He had not stretched a girl before so he was unsure of how much tension was needed so he went carefully.

As he turned it he heard creaking in the wood then noticed her buttocks being raised up off the stool as her body was pulled flat. After a full turn she was suspended in the air held up by the ropes. She looked panicked as she began to feel the force pulling on her limbs.

He saw her make a tight fist with her hands as the pain began to take effect. She clenched her teeth as he continued to turn the wheel. After a full turn he kept going stretching her further. She was breathing rapidly then started to cry out.

"Arrrrr. Arrrrr. Arrrrrr. Ouchhh!!!"

She could feel pressure building in her joints as she was being pulled in opposite directions. There were gaps forming between her joints so the muscles were beginning to stretch now.  Jacob leaned around the pillar just as a tear rolled down her face and off her cheek. She had the realization that she was going to die. Maybe from execution or maybe torture but soon she would die.

The wooden pillar creaked as he had nearly finished the second turn of the wooden pole. Then she cried out.


She could feel tight pain in her joints from the stretching and it was like no other pain she had felt. After two whole turns Jacob used some rope to secure the pole he was using to pull on the ropes. Once in place he walked around to see her strained body.  

He saw that the ropes were digging into her wrists and ankles leaving red marks. Jacob ran his hand over her taut skin feeling the strain that was being applied to her body. He still liked her body and while this torture was cruel stretching a woman is a great way to showcase her figure. It was a if her body was presenting to him. The strain on her emphasis her hips which he found himself drawn to. Then with her legs slightly parted he could enjoy her private area.

Dropping to one knee he looked up and down her noticing she was pulled flat by the ropes. After a moment he stood up then with his right hand he held her head up so they made eye contact.

“I can see you are in pain. Are you going to talk or will you be stretched harder?”

A tear rolled down her cheek. “I can say...... My family will be killed...... I cant”

“Then you must feel more pain”

“Do to me as you must” She said as he let her head fall back. Jacob then went back to the pole then held it firmly. Slowly he began to tighten it adding to her suffering. As the gaps between her joints widened she let out a scream from the pain.


Once her lungs were out of air she breathed in quickly before screaming again. The pain from her muscles stretching was getting much worse. It was getting more severe as he slowly applied more tension to her body by turning the pole.

She tossed her head side to side as the pressure built then Jacob completed another turn of the wheel just as she thought her shoulders would pop out of there sockets. He tied off the pole so it would keep her tight then walked back round to see her.

Her skin was tighter now and she appeared to be struggling to take deep breaths from the strain on her chest. Her breasts were pulled nearly flat on her body making and Jacob noticed her ribs showing down the side of her rib cage.

Her body defiantly looked a little longer to him and her suffering was now much higher. Gazing up and down her beautiful body he was surprised by how still she was. She had let her head fall back and by now her hands had turned blue as they had lost feeling. The only movement was her head and she struggled breathing.

Again he picked up her head with his hand “I know you are in much pain but can you talk”

She managed a slight nod “Yes....”

“You must tell me where your camp is of I will stretch you further. If I add more strain your shoulders will dislocate which will be agony for you. You must also thing of the damage to your body young lady”

She almost managed a smile “We both know if I don't........ Die in torture then I will be........ Put to death soon after”

“That maybe true but you will suffer if stretched further. Talk or I will stretch you even more”

She looked at him firmly “Then stretch me more.... My screams will please your employer”

Her head fell back then she started sobbing.

“Very well”

Jacob walked back to the pillar then turned the pole to tighten the ropes. There was more creaking of the wood as the pressure built showing him just how much strain was on her body. She tried to scream but could only manage a twisted cry as she felt her joints separating. Very slowly he extended her body as well as adding to her pain. She closed her eyes tight as she felt the strain build in her shoulders. It built more and more then with a sudden jolt her left shoulder popped out of its socket.

Jacob heard the sound as this happened. It was a gruesome sound but still he continued turning the pole. A moment later the sound was heard again as her right shoulder dislocated. She could not believe the pain but with that much pressure on her body something had to give way.

Jacob turned the pole to complete another full turn and all the way she felt her shoulder join expand. Then once finished he tied off the pole so she could remain at this level of pain as he inspected her body. Like last time he walked around then saw he was correct about thinking that sound was from her shoulders. Her arms looked much longer than before and her suffering was much worse.

He found another small stool then sat down to watch her suffer the strain. The room was almost silent except for her pained breathing. Looking up and down her body was strait except for her head and buttocks. After a few moments he noticed slight twitches as her body reacted to he pain. He thought some time like this might make her talk so he got comfortable to enjoy watching her.

Back in the house Beatrix had been talking to the Mayor about their mission. She had managed to persuade him to donate some funds to help with the hunting down of heretics and witches. Now the conversation moved onto how to put the bandit girl to death. They were sat at the big table they had breakfast on as they Mayors wife joined them.

Beatrix look at them both “Have you thought of how to put the bandit girl to death?”

The Mayor shrugged “We could hang her?”

His wife Lady Hampton added “No we should make it slow to set an example. Her death should also be painful as well”

Beatrix nodded “I agree with your wife Mayor Hampton. I was thinking we should execute her by impalement. Her body would be lowered onto a sharp pole inserted into her womanhood then she can be lowered by ropes. A woman is very sensitive down there as your wife pointed out earlier so it would be very painful for her. We would lower her very slowly in a public space so people can watch her die”

Lady Hampton had been nodding as Beatrix spoke then the Mayor said “I agree with your both. Impalement it is. Outside the house there is a big oak tree with a branch we could use to suspend her from. Also there is room for the villagers to watch as I am sure they will enjoy a bandits cries of pain”

Beatrix said “your right they will”

With an inquisitive look Lady Hampton inquired “Speaking of screams they seam to have died down from the barn. Shall we investigate?”

“I think we shall” Said the Lady Hampton causing them all to get up.

The Mayor said “I'll ready the men to be ready to strike the camp once we have the information. But please you two go on without me”

Over five minutes had past with Jacob watching her stretch. He had discovered that the body of his victim did not simply lengthen but broke gradually at different points as strain was added. First the joints expand then they dislocate. First her shoulders popped then maybe her hips he thought.

Jacob stood up then could not resist caressing her smooth skin. He skin was still very soft with the bumps caused by the whip standing out. Once her had touched her body he stroked the downy hair of her womanhood. He did this only for a few seconds to satisfy his curiosity. Then he stepped back as he heard the door to the barn opening. As it opened he saw Beatrix and Lady Hampton enter.

He dropped his head “Welcome back. Unfortunately I am still working her”

As soon as Beatrix saw the girl she smiled. She could not believe he had been stretching her all this time.

“This is very inventive of you Jacob. Well done”

Beatrix walked up to her then ran her hand over her tight skin. Then noticing her dislocated shoulders “I see her shoulders have parted. She must be under some strain. Lady Hampton this may interest you”

Lady Hampton was wearing a long dress that she lifted before walking over. She too was mesmerized by the girls stretched body and could not resist stroking her skin. After a few moments of this she said “I see you are doing an excellent job of torturing this wretch. May I be permitted to watch her suffering continued”

Beatrix replied “Of Course my Lady”

Jacob then said “I was about to loosen her to question her if that is acceptable?”

Beatrix nodded “You may”

Jacob then walked back to the pole he had been turning to loosen it. He turned it one and a half turn back so there was still strain on her body but she should be able to speak. After he had loosened her her body sagged down and was no longer strait. This allowed her to take deep breaths with she did as she tried to recover.

One a minute had passed Beatrix grabbed the girls hair pulling her head up. She looked strait at the poor girl.

“Will you tell us where your camp is now or shall I order your hips dislocated as well. Believe me silly girl your body can take more strain before it breaks”

“Wait please don't..... I cant bare it”

“Well then talk” Beatrix responded.

“I cant they are my family. They will all be killed. But please spare me more stretching” The girl looked defeated and looked truly scared for the first time. As she spoke she began crying.

“Talk or stretch. That is your choice girl”

“No..... Please...... No”

“Well then you will stretch”

Beatrix nodded to Jacob to resume her pain. As he walked away she cried out “No, please don't. Please”

Jacob gripped the pole as she begged not to be tortured then turned it. As he turned the pole and her joints began to part as the had don't before she continued to beg.

“No... Please …. No”

Her body straitened out then her words turned to screams of pain. As he tightened her to the level she was at before the screams quietened as a result of the strain on her chest. Beatrix and Lady Hampton watched as the girls body was lengthened very slowly. They could see the pain in her facial expression and even could see her skin tightening over her body. They even heard the ropes making sound from the strain.

The wood creaked as still tighter Jacob turned the pole. With her hands and feet numb the only movement was from her head which she was thrashing up and down. Beatrix ran her hand over her body from her thighs up over her chest. She could feel the bumps from the lash marks but liked the feeling of her taut skin.

Peering his head around the wooden pillar Jacob could see her hair moving up and down as the girl moved her head. Beatrix nodded to him, he knew that meant to continue turning the pole.

As commanded he turned it more to the sound of her pain cries. “No more....... No more”. Her voice was no louder than a whisper but it spoke volumes about the pain she was in. Lady Hampton and Beatrix seemed pleased by the girls suffering but Jacob had to remaind himself that she was a criminal.

A little more tension was added as Jacob moved the pole even more then she raised her head up. She stared up at the roof with her eyes widened and her mouth open. She tried to scream but it was no more than a peep as she felt her left hip being ripped out of its socket.

Her whole body shook as her hip dislocated in one sudden movement. Then as Jacob added more strain her right hip dislocated as well. She could not believe the pain of having her body torn in half. From her wrists to her ankles was on fire with pain from the torture. She could not bare it.

Jacob tied some string around the pole to hold it as he had now made another full rotation. With the pole running parallel with the pillar he thought now would give him a chance to see her body.

It looked as if she was a much taller version of herself. Her muscular thighs looked as if they were longer and slimmer from being stretched. Her body was clearly under so much stress but what made him realize her pain was when she lifted her head then looked at him before letting it fall down. Her expression was one of desperation. Then they heard a voice.

“I'll Talk............. Please I'll Talk.......”

Jacob looked to Beatrix for guidance but she showed him her evil grin “Let her stretch a little longer”

“As you wish” Jacob responded

She cried out “No... Please....”

Beatrix then put both hands on the tortured girl then pushed down. Steadily she put more weight onto her forcing her limbs to separate even more. The girl looked up but tried to scream but made no sound. All she could do was feel the cruelty. The poor girl could actually feel the gaps between her joints moving apart from this treatment.

Lady Hampton watched on with little sympathy. Bandits were a blight on the lands so she should suffer, she thought. Lady Hampton then moved closer to watch Beatrix add to the girls suffering. She glanced up and down the victims body then noticed her face. Her expression of pain was so severe that it made her recoil slightly. It was not her attempted screams but the sight of her widely open eyes. They were open so wide it was as if they were trying to leave her skull.

After a few more minutes Beatrix said “You may loosen her now but not all the way. She may need to stretch again”

Jacob did as requested, he loosened the ropes until her buttocks rested on the stool that was still under her. With the strain off her chest she was able to breath easier but did so now with a wheezing sound. After a moment Beatrix grabbed her head to raise it.

“Now girl will you tell us where your camp is?”

She nodded “Follow the east road out of town until you get to the river” She took a few deep breaths then continued. “Then head upstream about 2 miles. We camp in the gorge”

Beatrix looked towards Lady Hampton “Could this be true?”

Lady Hampton pondered a moment “It could be but we should stretch her again to be sure”

Beatrix paused for a second then nodded “Yes I think that is an excellent idea. Jacob tighten the ropes to the level she was at before then hold her there”

They were all looking at the bandit girls face and saw the look of horror as she heard that. “Wait.... NO please, please. I beg you I have told you. NO please”

She then started to cry as she heard Jacob grip the pole then begin turning it. She turned her head to Beatrix “Please don't do this... Please....”

Beatrix said nothing as the girl was tightened. The girl then sobbed as she felt the ropes tighten. Her buttock were lifted off the table then the pain flooded back.

“ARRRRRRR Please No. Please NO!... I Ca.........ARRRRRRR”

She cried out as the pole gradually turned added more and more tension to her body. The strain on her chest made her quieten again but they knew this did not dim her pain. She felt sharp tearing pain in her joints as the parted once more.

Like before she thrashed her head around as her mind absorbed all that pain from every part of her body. Jacob then tied some string around the pole once her had stretched her as tightly as before. Then all three of them watched quietly as the girl endured more torture.

A strained wheezing sound was heard as she tried to breath and scream at the same time. Then a few twitches on muscles made her body wobble every now and again. They watched her struggling to imagine her suffering for another 10 minutes. Although it must have felt longer to her.

Beatrix then picked up her head “Tell me girl where is your camp”

Beatrix moved her ear close to her “In..... The.... Gorge.......”

Beatrix then said to Jacob “You may loosen her now”

Jacob unwound the pole letting her body rest on the chair. Then Beatrix said “All the way down we are finished now”

He untied the ropes attached to the metal bars on her feet and hands. This let her fall to the ground but Beatrix held her as she did lessening the fall. Beatrix leaned over the girl as she moved her head left and right in shock for what had been done to her.

Jacob watched as if Beatrix had taken on the role of nurse and helped push the girls joints into there sockets. Each time she did this there was a gruesome sound followed by a cry of pain. Jacob was pleased he had gotten her to talk and learned of how effective stretching was as a torture.

Although the session was over they all knew the girls suffering was far from finished.

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