Monday 18 July 2016

Bandit Girl Part 3

Beatrix, Jacob, Lady Hampton and the Mayor woke earlier than the day before to prepare for the bandit girls execution. They were all sat around the table in the main hall eating breakfast when the Mayor said “Does anyone know the name of the girl?”
There was a moments silence then they all looked at one another as it became apparent that they don’t know her name.
He continued “If we are to put her to death then we should know her name”
Beatrix nodded “You’re right we should ask it of her. Jacob and I are to go see her before the priest gives her last confession”
The Mayor nodded “Very good” Then continued to tuck into his food. The group ate with an element of hate as they sat around the big table. The fire had only just been lit so the room was still a little could giving them shivers.
Not long later Jacob had finished alone with Beatrix. She then said “If you will excuse us so we can tend to the girl”
“Of course” Replied the mayor.
The sound of the others chomping their food was broken with the sliding sound of their chairs scraping on the floor as they stood up. Jacob and Beatrix then left the table to make their way to the girl. As they walked Beatrix said “They already have a raised wooden platform in the town square but have asked the guards to erect a frame that she can be tied to for torture. Also they have dug a hole then secured a pole for her to be impaled on”
Jacob nodded “very good. I will also need a brassier with iron rods to burn her”
“I will make sure that is prepared. But I also wanted to say you are doing very well here. You are handling this well and we have impressed the mayor”
“Thank you for your kind words. I will do what is needed”
“I understand that our task is difficult but we are doing the lords work. Please try not to let yourself become depressed by the cries of your victims”
“I will try”
The pair reached the door to the room she was held in. They dismissed the guard then entered the small room. Beams of sun light poured in lighting up her body so they could see it in detail. Many of the lash marks were still very visible as was the phallus protruding slightly from her womanhood. The ropes holding it in were digging into her leaving marks. As Beatrix closed the door behind them the bandit girl raised her head “Please take it out, please”
Beatrix nodded to Jacob then he knelt down between her parted legs. He gripped the end of the phallus with his right hand then turned it slowly. The girl thru her head back then arched her back.
“Ouuuuuuuchh!.  Please don’t…..”
There was some resistance but the phallus turned relatively easily. He could feel it catching on her skin hurting her as it turned. Jacob turned it twice before saying. “What is your name girl?”
She raised her head “Charlotte. My name is Charlotte now please stop hurting me”
Beatrix added “A few more turns please”
In the other direction he turned the phallus. She raised her head looking down with wide eyes as the device rotated in her. Its spikes scraped her flesh to the point where she could feel each one. Some even caught on her skin causing the turning to slow down until the spike ripped clear sending pain running up her body.
After four more turns Beatrix added “That should be enough”
As commanded he stopped turning the phallus. He removed the ropes from her waist that were used to hold in the phallus. Then in one slow motion he pulled out the device that had tormented her all night. As it slid out he felt it was covered in her juices that acted as a lubricant. Once fully removed her womanhood did not fully close up. The strain had caused it to stay parted slightly so he could see inside her. The device had stretched her skin for so long that it would take time for it to close.
Charlotte was relieved the device had been removed and could feel cold air inside her. While this was unsettling it was much more preferable than having the phallus turned inside her. He then put the phallus back in its box to give back to Lady Hampton later on.
She watched him put the phallus away then said “Please can I not be spared the tortures you have planned for me?”
Charlotte then looked to Beatrix in a hope of convincing her “Please can’t I? What you have planned is a slow death so please spare me” She then resumed crying.
Beatrix shook her head “Now girl you will not be spared one ounce of pain. You will be stretched again, then burned with the iron, then have your delicate womanhood cut away, then be impaled until you die.  You are a criminal and deserve such a fate”
As Beatrix looked down on the crying girl an older man in black robs entered the room.
“Hello I am Father James. Is this the condemned girl?”
Beatrix stepped back so he could enter “Yes father she is the one we will put to death”
The priest did not seem surprised by seeing Charlotte tied down naked with her legs spread like that which Jacob thought was odd. The man simply knelt down next to her then Charlotte looked to him.
He said in a calm voice “Now girl is there anything you wish to confess before your execution?”
“Please father then plan to kill me in the cruellest way. They will stretch me then cut at my womanhood. They will burn me then impale me on a spike. Please see this is too much, please have them spare me”
“My girl” The priest laid a hand on her chest that was now moving up and down rapidly.
“Your fate is decided. You must now face it but first confess your sins”
She saw all was lost then started crying. Tears rolled down her eyes as she cried out.
“No…… Please don’t let them hurt me……. I could not bear the torture…….. I don’t want to be stretched again or burned….. Or anything. It’s not fair….”
The old man shook his head. “Well if she will not confess there is nothing I can do” He then stood up and turned away.
As he walked Beatrix touched his arm to get his attention “Father she is a criminal but what she faces is a brutal execution. She is overwhelmed by it so please pray for her”
He nodded slowly “Very well I will pray for her after I have watched her execution”
The old man then walked off presumably to his spot in front of the scaffold where she will die. Charlotte was still crying when Beatrix said “Jacob we should take her now”
He nodded then began to undo her restraints Charlotte paused her crying to ask “May I be clothed before I go out?”
Beatrix responded “No you will be naked as your torture will require it. There is no point thinking of modesty young girl you will be presented with your legs apart so they can watch the lips of your womanhood being mutilated. They will see all of you. You should try to compose yourself instead”
Charlotte then asked “will it be you two who does this to me?”
Beatrix said “Jacob will apply your pain as I supervise. I will instruct him how he should torture your lips to cause the most suffering as I am a woman and know how best to proceed. But he has become very skilled at that so he may not need much guidance”
Beatrix kneeled down between the girls legs causing her to raise her head. She extended her right hand to her womanhood holding one of her lips between her fore finger and thumb. The girl started to breathe faster as Beatrix said “Slowly he will cut these lips that I am holding and rip the flesh with pliers. He will also burn them as well using heat to torture you. He will then move to the bud to cut at that then burn it as well. This part of you is very sensitive so it will be very painful if done skilfully”
Beatrix used her fingers to move around her womanhood so Charlotte could visualise how that part of her will be punished. She ran her index finger from the bottom to the top of her opening between the lips. Beatrix could feel the warm moistness of her as she moved the finger.
“There girl all this will be ripped apart while you feel it”
“Please show me some mercy as I am executed”
Once done Beatrix removed her fingers then wiped the juices on the girl’s thigh. “Come on now Jacob we should take her out”
Charlotte resumed her cries.
Outside in the court yard there was a raised wooden platform that was about four feet above the ground. It was normally used for speeches to the town’s people but today would be used so all could see Charlotte die. The crowd was over 100 strong as Beatrix and Jacob brought her out. She was able to just about walk by herself as they pulled her along. The town’s people saw she had her arms tied behind her back and she was covered in whip marks.
Charlotte saw there were two poles on the raised platform that she was going to be tied to for torture then there was a wooden spike just in front of the platform for her impalement. She remained quiet as she was taken past the town’s people and up some steps onto the platform. The steps creaked as the three of them ascended them to reach the top.
The towns people cheered briefly when they saw her then went quiet. Once on the platform She was allowed to fall to her knees. She looked down as Jacob went to the two poles which both had a metal ring at the top with rope running though. He pulled each rope down then went to Charlotte and pushed her onto her back. As she looked up taking deep breaths he tied each rope firmly to one of her ankles. Once the ropes were tied he gave a command to the guards to pull on the other end of each rope. With tugs they pulled dragging her across the platform. She gave a cry as she was scrapped against the wood with each tug. Eventually she was lifted up and suspended by her ankles between the two wooden poles.
With her arms behind her back she was held upside down with her legs apart. Held up between the two poles her body was clearly visible to the crowd as she hung in a Y shape. Her hair fell downwards as she panicked at the position she found herself in. She felt very exposed with her legs parted especially given the words said to her by Beatrix.
A tear rolled from Charlotte’s eye as Beatrix approached the front of the platform to address the people.
“Greetings honest towns people”
The mumblings from the crowd stopped and they all looked towards Beatrix.
“This girl is part of the group that has terrorised your town. She has hurt you, stolen from you and attacked merchants who would have brought wealth here to you.  Despite her young age she must pay for that with her life. I am sure you can all agree she must suffer for what she and her people have done. Not just as a punishment but to send a message that we will not be victims anymore”
Most of the crowd either cheered or clapped at Beatrix.
“Her death must be cruel so any of you will be forgiven for not wanting to watch it all”
She turned around to Jacob and nodded. He knelt down so her face was level with Charlottes. Her hair flowed down from her head like an inverted flame that was moved slightly by the breeze. She said softly to him “Can anyone save me?”
He replied “No, no one will save you from the pain”
“Do what you must” She said in a defeated voice. She then relaxed her head looking forward as if preparing for her torture to begin.
He reached behind her and pulled her hands free. Once free her arms just fell down with her hands about 10 inches from the floor of the wooden platform. Directly under her there was another metal ring which he threaded a bit of rope though. He then wrapped one end around her wrists tightly then grabbed the other end and stood up.
He nodded to Beatrix and seeing his signal she turned to the crowd.
“This girl has already felt the pain of having her body stretched and pleaded for no more of that pain. But we think more is needed”
Jacob flung the rope out into the crowd of eager spectators. “You now have the rope so come forth and grab it. Pull on it to stretch the bandit girl for her crimes”
One man grabbed it then another behind him gripped the rope, steadily they pulled back pulling the rope taught. They pulled harder putting strain on her body. Charlotte felt the ropes pull as gust of wind blew between her legs. The wind was cold on her skin that was now pulled tight over her body. She knew the pain of what was about to come.
Another tug then the crowd went quiet so they all heard as she cried out as her body was stretched. Jacob watched closely as the rope was tight then suddenly pulled forward an inch stretching her body. He watched the skin on her chest be pulled tight as she closed her eyes. Members of the crowd shouted encouragement to the men as they put more tension onto her body. Jacob saw her arms and legs appear to lengthen from this. She opened her mouth and cried out from the pain.
She moved her head around as she suffered but her body was perfectly still. As it stretched it did not move and by now the crowd could see the effects stretching was having on her.
Beatrix smiled at her body strung up and being strained in such a way. She looked to the crowd. “I see you are going easy on the girl have you not been robbed by these bandits?”
One man shouted “I have pull harder”
The two men leaned back adding to her strain. Her body was pulled tighter with the extra strain pulling her joints apart. She opened her mouth but could not make much sound as her chest was pulled tight. Despite this all knew she was in pain.
Jacob walked up to her then used his hands to feel the muscles in her thigh to inspect the strain she was under. He still found himself very attracted to her curvy body and her thighs. As he felt them he looked down at her womanhood seeing the bruises caused as he had whipped her there earlier.
Her skin still felt soft to the touch and part of him would have liked for her death not to be needed but he had a job to do. He also checked the ropes around her ankles to make sure she would not fall and could be stretched more.
Near the two poles a brassier had been burning with several metal implements in it heating up. Beatrix pointed to it causing Jacob to walk over and put on some heavy cloves. Several cheered as he pulled out a 3 foot long pole that was glowing red.
He walked over to her standing at her side so the towns people could see what he was about to do. She looked up at him then at the red hot metal her jaw parted slightly but the strain of the ropes still prevented her from begging for mercy. He then moved the metal to her stomach and all heard the sound as it touched her skin.
The crowd quietened so they could hear her cries. She then found the strength to cry out as he held the metal on her skin so it burned her deep. He then pulled it across her body leaving a gash where it had burned her. She felt intense pain as the metal scrapped across her, sending heat into her skin. She did not even think of the scar it would leave for death was a certainty. As he did this she wriggled her fingers as it was all she could do as the pain of the hot iron set in.
Her ribs were visible under her skin as she panted for breath after the burn. She managed to look up to see the near foot long burn mark on her skin then sobbed after seeing it. Noticing the metal was still red Jacob placed it on the underside on her right breast. She managed a strained scream as steam rose of her body. Jacob could smell her skin cooking and was amazed by how little her body had moved. Despite hot metal being pressed against her skin she was stretched so tight she remained still. He held the metal there for 10 seconds before sliding it round her breast He made a cured burn mark around most of the breast before he pulled the metal off. She gritted her teeth as the burning pain lingered after he had pulled away.
He looked at the stretched girl suffering and noticed them men were still pulling hard on the rope. Beatrix nodded and said “Get another rod from the fire”
He pulled out another rod from the brassier to the sound of the coals scraping on the metal. Glowing bright red he took it over to Charlotte who opened her eyes to see she was to be burned again. She closed her eyes then waited to feel the metal.
He placed the metal rod on her left thigh near her knee then slowly moved it down towards her hips while pushing it into her.
She made the sounds of suffering as another long burn mark was made on her body. Like the others it was a deep red with black bits of burnt skin on top. In some placed leaking blood was visible. The crowd seemed to still approve of her torture so he repeated the process on her right thigh. Steam rose off her leg as the hissing sound resumed. Seeing her being stretched and burnt he saw she was in unimaginable pain. But seeing her being stretched made him again realise it was an excellent way to torture a woman and a perfect way to showcase her body. It presented her so excellently for torture as well as being an effective torture its self.
Beatrix was patiently supervising the girls suffering but noticed the men pulling on her rope tiring. She stepped forward “Perhaps some others would like to pull the rope to strain this criminal?”
The two men leg go and Jacob saw her body retract at least an inch. She then started panting for breath as she tried to lift her arms to instinctively touch her burns but could not as the pain in her joints was too much. Jacob knelt down to be at eye level with his victim. 
She looked at him with her big eyes showing nothing but despair “Please…. Jacob” Where the only words she managed to say.
“I’m sorry your torture will continue you must accept that”
“I… Know”
At that moment she cried out as her body as pulled tight once more. Turning his head around Jacob saw that three other men had grabbed the rope and were pulling on it. She had increased in length by over an inch and was back in her world of pain. Looking at her wrists he could see marks where the ropes were digging into her.
Beatrix handed him some metal pincers that were used to grip hot metal. “Use these to remove her nipples”
“Yes Beatrix he responded”
He took the pincers in his hands then opened them up. He moved to the side of her so the crowd could see him work on her. As he moved the pincers closer to her breasts she watched him in horror. She felt the cold metal touch her right nipple then felt it bite down as he gripped the tip on the nipple tightly. She closed her eyes shut as he pulled her nipple away.
She gave another strained scream as he stretched out her breast. He pulled on the nipple and twisted it side to side. After a couple of minutes he released her nipple so she did not lose feeling in it before resuming. He did this for several minutes then she gave a short cry as the flesh ripped and the tip of her nipple was removed from her breast. Blood poured from the wound as he opened the pincer letting the bit of flesh fall to the floor.
Next Jacob placed the pincers over her left nipple as members of the crowd shouted encouragement. He closed the pincers over the tip of her nipple then pulled back slowly. He watched her breast develop into a more cone shape as he pulled. She shook her head side to side as the pain built then he released the grip again so as to prolong the removal of the nipple. When the nipple looked swollen he gradually applied more force and saw the flesh tear on her nipple. The rip grew until the tip was removed and her last nipple was ruined.
Standing up he saw blood running from the two nipples he looked to Beatrix who pointed between her legs “Now tear off her lips”
He nodded then moved the pincers to her delicate lips before biting down on them. He could see the muscles in her thighs tensing as she felt him do this. He pulled on the flesh not to remove at this stage but to cause pain which he did for nearly ten minutes. Beatrix then handed him some sheep shearers which he held in one hand while pulling up her inner lips with the other. With the skin of her inner libs pulled up he used the shearers to cut it from her. First he cut off her left inner lip then the right one before removing the part covering her bud. He then felt for the bud with a finger before using the shearers to cut into that as well. Charlotte would have sobbed at the loss but could only scream out when she had the breath to do so.

Beatrix inspected her between the legs and was happy the job was done. The correct removal of her delicate bits appeared a priority to Beatrix. Blood trickled down the front of the girl’s body which the crowd was not put off by which Jacob was surprised by.
Knowing Beatrix was happy he went to the brassier to pick out another hot iron. Jacob then touched it against her left nipple first. Smoke flowed upward as her skin cooked with a hissing sound. She could hardly scream anymore but made her pain known with the look on her face. After ten seconds on direct contact he moved over to the other nipple to repeat the process.
She raised her head as she vocalised her pain. The metal burned deep leaving two blackened marks where her nipples once were. As he pulled back the iron she gasped for breath as being stretched made breathing difficult enough and the burned added to that. Jacob saw that the iron had nearly stopped the bleeding on her chest. Her breasts still had their shape but were just missing a key component.
As the iron was still hot he touched her on the side of her ribs then dragged the iron around over the front of her. He pulled the iron slowly while pushing it into her leaving a long burn mark on her. He applied the iron three more times to her body before the red glow faded so he put it back into the brassier.
Jacob selected a new iron from the brassier then walked over to her. She was in a world of pain with her eyes closed. The men were still stretching her tightly occasionally tugging on her so her shoulders were constantly threatening to dislocate.
He walked over to her then moved the iron towards her womanhood then hovered it a couple of inches above her lip. Some members of the crowed called “Do it” at him. He looked down to her face making eye contact with her. He hovered it there for some time seeing the fear it was causing her. He then moved it round the side then pressed it against her buttocks causing her to convulse in agony. He pressed it several times on her rear that he had spent so long enjoying the sight of.
At this point the iron was no longer red but was still hot. He then moved it to just over her lips then lightly tapped them which made her body shake as her muscles contracted. He tapped her soft lips a few more times before looking down at her.
“Don’t….” She said before letting her head fall back. She could feel the heat on her skin and knew what was next.
Her womanhood burned as he pushed the hot iron down onto it. She moved her head around crying out as he held it, pushing it between her lips to burn what was inside. He turned to Beatrix who gave him a reassuring nod to say she approved as Charlotte felt the iron. He continued to hold it in place as she screamed until there was no more air left in her lungs then she went quiet. She could not breathe in instead she was paralysed still screaming but now without any air. The pain she felt was worse than anything she could have ever thought of but still he held the iron in place.
After over 30 seconds of contact he moved the iron up allowing her to gulp down on some air. Then he parted her what remained of her lips with his finger to see they were burnt black and barely recognisable. Jacob then pushed the tip on the iron into her pushing it down into her womanhood. This renewed the girl’s screams.
He sunk the iron several inches into her before stopping then after about 20 seconds he removed the iron rod, placing it back in the brassier. The pain ripped through her body persisting after her had pulled out the iron. She was in panic breathing as much as she could while under tension from the ropes. She came close to passing out but remained conscious and remained in pain.
Beatrix walked over to Charlotte to inspect her. She was pleased with how she had suffered so far and had very much enjoyed the show. While some members of the crowd had left most returned after a while. The groups still appeared to support the use of such torture on the girl which was good because Beatrix wanted to please them.
Beatrix ran her hand over the girl’s stomach noticing the tightness of her skin as well as her ribs heaving up and down from her struggled breaths. She inspected her womanhood to see if had been damaged terribly from the iron. She decided that this part of her punishment was over so now it was time for her to be impaled.
Beatrix turned to the crowd looking at the men pulling on her ropes “You may let her go now”
The men did as commanded but as they released the rope Jacob watched her so as to see how much her body contracted to see the level she was being stretched at. Once released she gasped, now able to breath in a lung full of air. She was able to twist her body a little as she was still in pain from her burns.
Beatrix turned to Jacob “Give her a minute to recover some strength and allow the crowd to hear her cries then we shall impale her”
He nodded his head slightly “As you wish”

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