Tuesday 1 September 2020

Princess and the Pear

The king, the old king that is, had the only claim to the throne. Well, that’s what I thought until his cousin said he had a better claim.  In fact he didn’t but he had something better. A bigger army and it turns out if you have one of those then you can have pretty much anything.


Now Richard is king after one swift battle. “Long live king Richard” anyone who didn’t want their head cut off sang out. In honesty unless you died in the battle you didn’t lose much, one ruler is the same as another. I actually didn’t care.


After the battle a local castle surrendered to Richards’s army. This was a major strategic stronghold but had a better prize. The old kings Daughter, this meant she could undergo torture to discover information. Also putting her to torture was a symbolic act as torture happens to the losing side. I think even if Richard knew she had no information then he would have ordered her tortured anyway for this reason.


But Richard was convinced she knew where the old king, King James was. Although we were not allowed to call him King James, we had to call him James the traitor to disgrace him. To be honest I’ve been called worse before breakfast.


As I had worked interrogating women accused of witchcraft I was called to assist in extracting information from James the traitor’s Daughter, Princess Ariel was her name. I spoke with one of King Richards’s generals who told me I was to question her. He was an angry looking man still wearing his armour that clanged as we walked down the stone passageway in the bowls of the castle.


He told me about how I should conduct myself around her and how her torture would not be the same as others I had done. I was to be respectful with her and I was not to mark her skin. This was a common rule when torturing a woman of rank which left me two methods I was allowed to use. The rack or the pear. Both effective but as I the general owned a pear I decided to go with that.


The pear was a brutal tool but all the damage was internal making it the perfect device to use on the Princess. Also as it was torture that feel within the rules she was expected to cooperate. I found the pear to be a very cruel tool that caused a woman the most horrible of suffering. Yet it was a very effective so it could be used if you had to stomach to hurt a woman in such a way.


The General took me down narrow stone corridors past cells filled with prisoners. Their depressed moans echoed to create a monotone drown that did not stop. We eventually came to a stop at a large wooden door. The general passed me an object wrapped in cloth. I unravelled it to reveal a pear that was clearly designed not for the mouth but for use on a womans most delicate area.


He looked a bit saddened after he had passed it to me. The man shook his head “It would be best if she could just talk but she hasn’t so far. Maybe the sight of that ting will get her to open up. If not you are to use it on her to its fullest extent”


“I understand my lord” I replied to the man before putting the pear into a large pocket on my trousers.


The general opened a heavy wooden door for me “She’s in there do as you must with her then report to me”


“Yes my lord” I replied and entered to room to hear the door close behind me. This was when I first saw her, She was young, about 20 years old. She had blond hair with blue eyes and a very curvy figure. Her breast were large and heaved up and down under a simple white robe as she drew breath. I certainly had no idea I was to work on a creature like this.


She was tied to a chair in front of a table to be questioned. Upon seeing me she made eye contact then looked away. I sat down on a chair opposite her.


The chair scraped on the stone floor as I moved it under the table. I looked at her in silence for a moment. I could see fear and defeat in her eyes. To see beauty saddened like this was not a pleasant sight but I had a job to do.


Looking around the room is was a reasonable size. A few touches on the wall and a Brazier full of hot coals gave the room an orange hue. I looked back at her as she looked back at me.


She changed her stare to one more accusing. “Are you here to ask me more questions? I have told you everything”


I shook my head slowly. “No Princess Ariel, I am here to torture you”

That sentence took her back, I could see shock in her eyes that soon turned to fear. A tear rolled down her cheek after leaking from one of her large blue eyes. “So Richard has authorised me to be tortured. I never thought he would harm me so”


I gave a slight shrug “I’m sorry to inform you but he has authorised torture unless you tell us where your father and his advisers are”


She shook her head “I have no idea, I have told you people that, besides what king would share such plans with his daughter? He probably fled after the battle. You would be better searching the nearby port not putting me to pain”


“Funny you should say Princess because we are searching the port. That takes many men but it only takes me to torture you. But it would be nice to avoid that”


She looked distressed in her chair at what was about to happen “I can’t tell you anything I have not repeated many times over. All pain will do is make me scream I can’t tell you where he is because I don’t know”


I nodded “Very well then we should discuss your torture”


She looked down as more tears fell from her eye. Not looking at me she spoke “May I ask what method you are to use on me?”


“Yes Princess. As you are a woman of rank I am not to mark your skin so I have been given a device that fits the requirements”


She tied to compose herself “What tool are you to use on me?” There was a tremble in her voice.


I reached into my pocket and pulled out a pear I had been given. It was around ten inches long in total with one end looking like a large key. The other end was a pear like bulb consisting of three petals that was to be inserted into the woman. The device felt heavy and was made of bronze. Her eyes widened, her mouth opened and her skin turned pale. The sight of the pear was a terrifying one for any woman.


She could not take her eyes off the device as I held in in my hands. Taking sharp breath she said “O’ lord, O’ lord. You…. You can’t be serious? Please… sir, please don’t use that. There must be another way” She frantically tried to cross her legs.


I looked at her firmly “If you do not talk this will be pushed into your womanhood” I turned the pear vertical with the bulb at the top and pointed to it with a finger. “This end is the bulb and this will be pushed inside you. It will get about 6 inches deep before the top of the pear touched the womb entrance. I will then turn the handle like this”


I turned the handle and the pear split open front of her. Slowly the petals moved further apart as I opened the pear wider and wider. She watched as it blossomed reaching a width of about 6 inched.


“First the pear stretched the woman, then it tears her, then it tears her more. It’s said to be the perfect torture for a woman. But you know your body so I’m sure you can imagine the effect the pear will have on you. Tell me how wide you are?”


She looked shocked at the question “Pardon?” Her fear was almost superseded with anger at the very personal question.


“Between your legs princess. How wide are you? How many fingers could I fit in there? I am just trying to gauge how your body will take the pear”


“You cant ask me that!” She proclaimed.


“Princess, look around you. Your power is gone and if I can torture you I can ask you a question. I’m sorry to be personal this must be very hard for you. Please be cooperative”


“But… But that is such a personal question. Must you ask me to think like that?”


I held the pear with my left hand and showed her my right hand moving my fingers slowly. “I can and just did ask the question. Now princess, how wide are you and how many fingers could I fit inside you?”


She sighed as the reality hit her. “you’re right, I suppose you can”


She looked at my hands “Ummm. Maybe three of your fingers before it hurt. Two would fit better I think”


“So it is two or three fingers princess?”


Her blue eyes focused on my fingers before looking back at me. “Your index and middle finger would fit if you were to push all the way in” She looked down after finishing the sentence.


“Also princess, how wet are you? How easy would I be able to push my fingers into you?”


“I…. I don’t know. Why must you know that?”


I moved the pear back in front of her. “The more wet you are the less damage is done as the pear is pushed inside you. So it is important”


Sitting in her chair she wriggled insecurely, clearly upset at the questioning. Her large blue eyes blinked frequently and she tried to look away but her gaze kept moving back to the pear.


Her eyes locked with mine, sadness filled her face. “Must that device go in me?”


“Unless you talk then it must. Its ok just take a breath and think. Maybe we can avoid this” She took a few deep breaths.


“Good princess. So how wet are you?”


“I don’t know, I’m sorry” She shook her head.


“Its ok it is a hard question but there is one way we can find that out”


I got up from my seat, put the pear in my pocket and walked over the stone floor to her. I stood behind her as her breaths quickened then gripped her shoulders. Next I undid the knots holding her to the chair allowing the ropes to fall away. Despite her freedom she sat still presumably worrying about what was to come.


I could feel she was tense her body was ridged as I held her. Carefully I lifted her up until she was standing. But before she could turn around I pulled the strings that were holding her robe together at the back. The garment parted revealing her body.


“Let the robe fall away princess” I said softly, almost as if I was talking to a lover.


She did as commanded letting the robe fall to the floor. The robe lay on the floor as a white rim around her feet. I turned her round to see her before me. She looked down and crossed her arms under her breasts but oddly did not try to cover them. They were more than a handful and sat upright on her chest. They were soft, round and had a gentle look to them. As my eyes moved down I could clearly see her hourglass figure and small triangle of soft hair. She was beautiful.


I put my hand around her chin forcing her to look at me “Please do as I say Princess”


Her lips parted her eye looked worried. She managed a slight nod of her head. “I’ll do as you say”


“I’m going to have to touch your body if that’s ok?”


She nodded “I suppose you must”


“Thank you Princess. I’ll try to be respectful”


She was very scared but as an aristocrat she felt the need to conduct herself well. They bread these people from birth to be proper, even as they face torture it would seem.


“Lean back princess and hold the table with your hands. Don’t move them”


She leant back on the table allowing her bum to rest on it for balance. She then placed her hands as requested exposing her chest.


I moved my hand down from her chin to her breasts and cupped her left one softly. A gentle squeeze forced the nipple to wobble in and out. “These are very impressive princess”


She looked me in the eyes as I continued “You’ll probably be the last man who can enjoy them so you should”


I moved my finger and thumb to fondle her nipple. I watched it become erect the light from the fire cast my shadow onto her body. “Are your nipples sensitive Princess?”


“They are sensitive when you do that to them”


“If you talk princess then this is the only touch you need feel. We can stop this now”


“I cant, I don’t know where he is” She looked at me and sounded honest as she spoke.


“They I must continue to touch you if that’s ok princess”


“I know”


She watched as I worked her nipples with a combination of fear and interest.


“I bet they are but you are more sensitive a little lower. Now lay down face up on the table with your arms over your head” I eased her gently onto the table placing her arms over her head with her knees bent at the bottom edge. Her feet hung free.


I stepped back as she followed my instructions staying in position. She looked straight up at the ceiling but kept her legs closed. Her chest moved up and down from her breathing elevating her breasts. I moved round to the bottom of the table placing a hand on each of her knees.


“Open your legs Princess” I said as I gently pushed her knees apart.


She looked up at me as she parted her legs. “Are you going to push the pear into me?”


I nodded “Yes Princess”


“And open it up. All the way open?”


“Yes Princess unless you talk”


She nodded her head “I understand. I accept what you must do”


I guided her so her legs were parted widely revealing her most sensitive area. “Come on Princess, nice and wide” I said as I continued to move her legs. I parted them as much as they would go and pulled her body down so her womanhood was near the edge of the table.


I showed her my right hand with my index and forefinger extended. “Now let’s see how wide you are”


She just watched on as I moved my fingers down. I stroked her soft lips with the outside on my two fingers before extending them and pushing between them. I felt her feminine warm as I pushed my fingers inside her steadily and with care.


She gasped but continued to watch as my fingers sank into her. Once fully in I could feel there was room to wiggle them so I did. She took a deep breath as I moved my fingers up and down. Her eyes moved up to lock on to mine. Her mouth opened a little as I rubbed my fingers on the top of the inner wall of her womanhood. I moved them back and forth then made a circular motion.


Despite it all she seemed to derive pleasure as I did this. I moved my thumb so it would touch her bud as I knew this was another sensitive place. She moved her arms to the side of her body lifting herself up. “What are you doing?” She asked.


“I am using my fingers on you princess” I answered.


“But….. you can’t I can’t have pleasure from a man”


“Why? Because of someone’s rule? Someone who is not here, someone who will never find out? We live in a dark world, when something nice happens just take it”


Her worry about my touching left her. It was sad that she would spread her legs to me to allow her womanhood to be tortured but not so I could please her. Aristocrats and their standards often seemed strange to me.


The princess watched as I moved my fingers more vigorously. She took short sharp breaths letting out moans of pleasure. Her eyes rolled back in her head and she lifted her feet up so they were on the edge of the table. This made moving my fingers inside her easier.


I turned my fingers so the tips were facing upwards and made sure there was pressure on the top of her opening. I knew this was a more sensitive place and would add to her pleasure.


She let her head fall back as waves of sensation washed over her. She moved her arms over her face then rubbed them down her body, over her breasts then stomach. With closed eyes she tossed her head side to side moaning even louder. I knelt down and used my mouth on her. I lashed her with my tongue making her moan louder.  Vigorously I licked her moving my tongue rapidly.


She ached her back as pleasure grew before sitting upright. Her mouth was open, her eyes wide she looked into my eyes consumed by the experience as I continued to please her. I watched as her eyes roll back as she reached her peak. I could feel her thigh muscles twitch on the sides of my face and her wetness increase.


She panted for breath as I slid my fingers out of her and stood up. She lay on the table with her legs still parted as I walked over to a chest near the door. Inside I pulled out a few wrapped up lengths of rope that I would need for my task. My footsteps echoed as she watched me walk back to her. She gasped as I Griped her right knee and pulled it to the corner of the table. With her knee bent her calves rested against the table leg. I pulled her knee yet more so her lower leg was on the outside of the table and bound it in place.


She just watched still affected from my fingers as I pulled her left leg over in the same way. Now both her legs were bound to the outside edge of the table which pulled them uncomfortably wide apart. Running my hand down her inner thigh I could feel how the muscle was stretched tight.


Having her legs wide apart made using the pear easier for me and as her muscles were pulled tight she would not be able to move much. This would make adjusting the pear in small increments easier too.


I moved to the top of the table and said firmly “Princess, your hands please”


She moved them both over her head as commanded so I could bound them together. “Like this” She said like she wanted to get it right.


“Yes princess. Just like that”


I tied them with rope so they were securely bound. There was a hook under the table which I tied her hands to completing her restraint. I let my fingers glide over her arms as I walked back down. Her body was certainly presented well so taking a moment to enjoy it was unavoidable.


Her eyes followed me as I moved my fingers down stopping next to her breast. “Princess, may I touch your breasts?”


She seemed confused by the question “Can’t you just do as you want?”


“I can but, I thought it would be better to ask. You are very beautiful and I would like to enjoy that beauty”


“You may” She responded as her eyes moved to my hand to watch its advance. Slowly I moved it over her breast and ran a ring around her nipple with my index finger. The orange and red glow from the touches gave her skin a warm glow as I fondled her nipple. Her lips parted as she watched.


“You have enjoyed my fingers and tongue haven’t you Princess?”


“I have that was like nothing I have ever felt before but…. Can I ask a question? She said as I moved down the table so I was stood between her legs”


“You may. What do you want to know?”


She lifted her head up. “You are my torturer yet you expertly used your fingers on me and made sure I came. You made the fear go away and showed me pleasure. Why?”


“A few reasons Princess. One, I wanted you to feel some pleasure before we started. You are an honourable woman so deserved some kindness. I also enjoyed licking you. Secondly after feeling pleasure you were more trusting so I was able to restrain you in this position more easily”


I paused to reach into my pocket and pull out the pear in its closed form. I held it show she could see it causing her eyes to instantly lock onto it. Fear consumed her once more.


“The third reason princess and the reason I wanted to make you cum was to use that juice as lubricant to make inserting the pear easier. Easier for both of us”


“You used my body against me” She let her head fall back and she looked off to the side.


“I suppose we cant put off what you came here to do any longer can we?” She asked knowing the answer.


“No Princess. Sadly I must now start your torture. I have my orders and I have been told specifically to use the pear on you. I urge you to tell me what you know or I must push insert the pear into your womanhood”


“I don’t suppose you want to lick me again? Or have some pleasure yourself?”


I shook my head “You are wet enough for the pear and I would not want to receive sex from you under forced circumstances”


“Is there any other way?” She asked staring at the pear which I lowered so the bulb was closer to her womanhood.


“Unless you tell me the information there is not”


“Please don’t use the pear on me. Not the pear please!”


“Princess we must”


I saw tears in her eyes. “I know I am supposed…….. Supposed to be calm under questioning but it’s hard. I’m supposed to always be proper, even now and it’s hard! I can’t do it all I want to do is beg you to stop even though it will change nothing”


“Its ok Princess, that doesn’t matter. But if you are ready I need to start inserting the pear”


“O’ NO! Please don’t. It’ll tear me inside. The pear is too cruel. Please!” She lifted her head and cried as she spoke.


“Princess. I’m sorry but it has to happen” I moved the bulb of the pear so it touched her lips lightly causing a shudder in her body.


“Noooooooo” She let out a long desperate cry as I held the pear by the handle with my right hand then used my left to part her lips. I pushed my fore and index finder inside her past the bulb to moisten them then rubbed her own juices on her lips then on the top of the pear it’s self. Inside her felt warm like last time but as I was now preparing to hurt her it also felt different?


She closed her eyes and let her head fall back and turned it to the side as if she was trying to look away. Now I had lubricated the entrance I pushed the fingers on my left hand inside her then pushed them apart to widen her up.


She was now ready.


I aimed the pear over her opening then started to push it in. Carefully I pulled my fingers out as the bulb moved forward. I could see her flesh parting to accommodate the bulb hugging the sides of the round metal. With my fingers I could stretch her about two inches wide but even closed the bulb of the pear was around three inches wide. That meant even inserting the pear would cause her pain.


“I can stop at any time Princess if you wish to talk. Just call out and I can stop or, unfortunately, I must push the pear inside you. Do you understand Princess?”


“I understand” She responded in distress.


Moving my head round I could see the bulb starting to sink into her as she clenched her jaws and started breathing rapidly. I found the fairest way to torture a woman with the pear was to do everything very slowly. That meant as I made an adjustment the woman had chance to feel it then decide is she wants to confess. Then if not the torture can safely be continued and pain increased. Using the approach the woman herself controlled how wide the pear opened. This was how I was to work with the princess.


I could feel more and more resistance as I pushed on the pear. The tip of it was inside her but she had still to swallow the widest part of the bulb. I could see her flesh around the pear was stretching but would be unable to widen enough to take the pear without hurting her.


“Princess you are starting to feel the pear now. Confess and we can stop or I’ll keep pushing until it sinks inside you”


She looked back at me teary eyed “No please I cant tell you. Please don’t do this”


“Cant tell me or wont?” I replied.


I shrugged at her lack of reply “That’s what I thought”


I pushed a little harder on the pear causing her to widen more. There was a ring of flesh around the bulb the stretched even tighter. I could see lines in that skin as it strained. Her leg muscles tightened up and she let out her first scream.


“Arrrrrrrrrggggghhhhh!” She cried out until her lungs emptied as I was leaning onto the pear to push it in.


A few quick breaths and she cried out again as I pushed ever harder. Her opening was tight so I was going to have to damage her to get the pear in. I was pushing the pear so hard that her whole womanhood was being pushed back into her abdomen pulling the skin on her inner thighs tight. Above her opening her pelvic bone was showing making me realise the force I was using.


At first she squirmed about which was normal for a woman taking the pear. After a while her movement starts to push on the bulb which does hurt her. This caused her to try her hardest to stay still. It’s strange but this actually helped me to push in the pear and direct it. This is something I have noticed this on every woman who I have used the pear on.


If I didn’t know better I would say the woman was helping me use the pear on her. It’s like she is cooperating. Looking at the princess I could see her struggling to be as still as she could. It is a helpful quirk of a womans body. Sadly, it does also leads to the misconception that the torture is not as painful as it is for the woman.


I was still gripping it by the handle with my right hand keeping up a steady force. Next with my left hand I grabbed the bulb to maneuver the pear side to side slowly to work it inside her. Up and down I moved my right hand as well trying to find the path of least resistance while continuing to build the force. The pear was sinking deeper so this was working I knew I just needed to continue this until we were past the wide bulb.


She tossed her head side to side screaming as I worked. Her pained cries echoed around the room as she responded to each twist. She would have felt intense stretching around her opening as her flesh looked like it was wrapped around the pear it was that tight. She was naturally quite tight so this part was exceedingly hard for her. I actually thought I might have to let her opening tear to fit the pear inside. I decided to watch her and continue slowly so if she started to tear she could confess and bring an end to this.


It was not uncommon for a womans opening to rip as the pear was pushed in. Or it would at least cause some tearing in the muscles which wrap around her opening and normally maintain it as a tight hole. This was not a problem, in fact this pain can cause a woman to confess meaning a short session of torture.


I felt little sudden jolts as the pear slid inside her in very small increments. I would twist it then feel it move a little deeper. The lubrication did not seem to do much to make this easier. It took several more minutes until her lips were up to the widest part of the pear. Now I found it harder to move it at different angles as the pear started to follow her natural direction of her womanhood.   


I found a good technique was to lift up the handle and push in. This would cause the top part of the pear to move deeper. Then I would move the handle down before pushing so the bottom part progressed more. As I did this she continued to scream but still thought to keep her body still. The only part she moved were her arms then when she tensed her leg muscles she tensed them all so her legs would remain still.


At one point she managed to lift her head and look at me. She had tears in her eyes and her hair was now messed from her tossing her head. As we made eye contact she took short breaths as her bottom jaw quivered. I lifted the pear handle bringing pain to her face then pushed causing it to descend yet more. After feeling the pear move she bit down and gave a muffled cry.

I noticed how her stretched lips were near the end of the widest part of the pear. She had swallowed a fair bit of it now. I touched her flesh and it was gripping the pear so tight it was almost part of it. I could see how she was in a large amount of pain already. Her screams were not unwarranted at all. I actually thought she was doing well to take this without breaking. She was not as soft as I had first assumed.


Harder I pushed the pear resulting in small movements. I moved it again but this time it felt easier. I pushed once more twisting the pear as it sank in. Now the pear was moving a bit with less resistance. This meant the bulb was passing her tightest bit near the opening. A few more pushes then I felt less resistance as the petals sank into her.


‘Errrrrrrrrrrrr” She cried through her teeth as the pear sank in. I was using a lot of force so I knew this was painful.


Her flesh still hugging the bulb as she swallowed the widest part. Then her flesh hugged the sides as the petals thinned out. It wasn’t until the narrow neck of the pear was at the opening did her skin loosen.


 A little more I continued to work the pear in until the top of the bulb pressed against her womb entrance. The pear was now in place but I was surprised not to see any blood I thought I would have ripped her a little from all the force I used. I had certainly caused damage to the muscles lining her womanhood which was good because as they tear the woman experiences very intense pain. That explained her cries as I was pushing.


Her signs of pain faded and she lay there breathing deeply as the pear sat inside her. Just the handle poked out which moved slightly as she drew breath. I walked round to the side of the table and looked down at her.


“Princess I know that hurt you. But are you able to speak?”


“It…… It hurts so much… I stretched inside…… Am I bleeding?”


“I can’t see blood but I probably tore some of the muscles that line the cavity inside you. You are tight so I know that must have hurt. How does the pear feel now is it painful?”

She took a few breaths “It’s……. I can feel it in me. I feel tight down there but it’s not too bad now. I can still feel some sharp pains near my entrance. I’m scared of what you are going to do”


“I’m going to open the pear in very small increments. As I question you and you don’t answer I will open the pear a little more. Hopefully we reach a point where you confess before much damage happens but that is up to you. You can stop the pear opening by talking. Do you understand?”


“Yes I understand”


“Princess please tell me what I need to know”


A tear left her eye. “I cant. Even if you open the pear I cant”


“Princess I agreed to torture you because the outcome of the war has been decided. Your father has lost. It’s a fact and it wont change. The only thing that can change is how many people have to die before your fathers army surrenders. That’s the only variable. So if you tell me where he is we can find him and his supporters give up. Then we all go back to our lives. This is why I am comfortable using the pear on you”


She pondered what I said thinking for a moment “I cant……” She replied


“Then I will have to start opening up the pear” I ran my hand over her stomach and could feel the bulb through her.


“This is your most sensitive place princess and the pear will tear it apart. But if you wont talk we have no choice”


I walked over to a shelf that was on the other side of the room. On it there were a few folded rags. I picked up one and walked back to her. She watched as I folded it in half then pushed it under her thighs and groin. I lifted her buttocks one at a time to slide the cloth under her.


“I have put a rag under the pear princess to soak up the blood as it opens. I expect you will start tearing after a few adjustments of the pear given how tight you are. Are you sure you want to experience the pear opening up?”


She looked straight up breathing steadily “I can’t tell you what you want. I cant”


“Very well” I replied.


I stood between her legs as she continued to stair upward preparing for horror. She shrieked then started to cry as I gripped the pear with both hands. I was able to move it around a little bit but it felt quite tight inside her. With my right hand I began to put pressure on the handle moving it slowly clockwise. I felt a shudder as the petals cracked apart.


“AAAAAAAAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!” She screamed tossing hear head about as very gradually the petals parted.


I turned the handle only a little but it was enough to cause pain. I decided the best approach would be to turn the handle 45 degrees which would only widen the pear a sliver at a time. I would then let her feel this setting for a few minutes then turn it again to increase her pain. I felt this was the most ethical way to conduct the torture as it gave her time to think about her situation as pain increased. This way the woman felt only the level of pain needed to make her confess.


Her screams continued until she saw me reaching for the pear again. She managed a long sounding “Nooooooo, no please”


“But Princess we must”


“I…. I know but…..” I turned it a little more to cut her off and bring out another scream.




Now as I held the pear there was no movement and her flesh was tightly stretched around it. Another turn stretched her even more widening her eyes. He head banged back against the wood of the table but she still continued to try keep her lower body still. I could sense the pressure the pear was putting on her. She was feeling her inner womanhood stretched as tight as it would go. I gave her a few minutes to feel this as I knew the next step would be damaging.


I walked around to the side and started to stroke her hair as she grit her teeth and clammed her eyes shut from the pain. I ran my finger through her soft hair rather enjoying the action. Her eyes opened to look at me, it was then I spoke.


“Princess you are stretched tight” I moved my hand down her body to just below her belly button. Spreading my fingers out and pushing in lightly I could feel the pear inside her.


“You are feeling your flesh pulled tight Princess but this is only the beginning of what the pear can do. If you don’t talk I will open the pear more. This will probably tear you in your most delicate and sensitive place. It’s a cruel pain which you will feel unless you talk”


She shook her head “I cant…..”


“As you wish” I replied.


I moved back between her legs and turned the pear slowly. She gave a groan through her clenched jaw as she tossed her head left and right. As I slowly opened the pear I watched her face and all of a sudden her face stopped and she looked straight up. Her bottom jaw quivered for a second then she screamed.


“AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGHHHH!!” She emptied her lungs.


From experience I recognised that that was the point she felt tearing. It would have started as a small pin prick but as the tear forms it does so very slowly. The skin to the sides of the tear has to take more pressure so it tear too. It means it starts in one small place then slowly grows. This causes a special kind of pain that women normally react the same way to. There is always a look of shock as they feel the tear. It’s like they didn’t think it was possible or maybe they hoped I wouldn’t be so cruel to them. 


She continued screaming as she now felt the true nature of the pear. I decided to leave her to feel it for about ten minutes for which she screamed the entire duration. It was then I went back to the pear and closed it a little to allow her to calm down. As I closed it I could see a little blood on the metal which was to be expected.


I walked back to stand at the side of her as her pain faded somewhat. I waited until she had taken a few deep breaths to talk. “Princess you have felt the pear tear you now. The pain will only get worse from here. Tell me, where do you feel the tear?”


I ran my hand back down to where the bulb of the pear was. “Did you tear on the top side of bottom”


She lifted her head “It…. Ouchhhhhhh. It was on the top”


I pointed with my finger “Was it down the middle, about here?”


“Yes. How……did you know” She replied looking confused by how I guessed.


“I guessed because on each petal of the pear right in the middle of the widest part there is a slight rise which focuses the force so you will always tear at one of these points. They are designed like this so as I open the pear more inside you a tear will form on each petal rather than in just one place”


“I…. I felt it. I could feel all of them” She responded.


“Not all pears have this but I think it adds to the sensation for the woman”


She looked at me with an accusing stare. “You mean causes the woman more pain as she is tortured?”


“Yes well as you said this is torture so pain is the goal. Also several smaller tears will cause less injury overall so if you confess earlier on you are more likely to heal from your injuries so it kinder in that way. What are your thoughts of that?”


“Well… I can see why you would like it. It good if it allows the woman to heal but its hard to see it favourably while it is inside me.”


“That must have been hard to say. You are an intelligent woman so I wondered your opinion. Thank you for that”


She paused for a moment “I cant tell you anything so I suppose we must continue”


“That is correct Princess. But before I open the pear again I’ll turn it so those points are in other areas. I’ll also open the pear wider I am afraid to say”


“That is understandable” I was amazed by how formal she was being while laying tied down with the pear inside her. It was like nothing else I had seen.


“Are you ready to continue?”


Her face turned to despair but it wasn’t as if she had a choice. “Do as you need to do”


I moved back down to begin working the pear as she closed her eyes tight. I held the pear and turned it slowly to the right. I only moved it a bit but that was enough to hurt her. Then I started to open up the pear again very slowly. As it opened it felt easy at first then became harder as it started to press against her.


“ouuuuuuuuuwwwwwwww” She let out a long pained groan as the pear reached the level it was at before.


I then opened it yet more passing the previous point causing her to outright scream “AAAAAAAAARRRRRR”


Her leg muscles tightened and released repeatedly as she reacted to the new pain. Her armed shook about and as one scream finished another one began. Her eyes opened wide as horror and agony gripped her.


I decided to slowly open her up a full additional turn of the pear. I felt that was a fair increase as it was enough to be felt and cause more tearing but not by a massive amount. Once I had opened it the amount I wanted I stepped back to watch her feeling the pear. I walked around her a few times as she screamed. A few times she would manage a quick glance at me between cries of agony. The pear consumed her and became all she could focus on.


As I walked past the side of her I could see her breasts wobble from her shacking. Her top half was trying to thrash around from the pain but her bottom half was fighting to stay still to reduce it. All women did this as they took the pear. I always found it interesting to watch.


I decided she needed to feel the pear open for much longer than last time. But as the pear was open there was nothing for me to do but watch. I couldn’t read a book or anything because her loud screams would break my focus. Plus I needed to pay attention to her suffering to adjust it if needed. It was normally as this point when using the pear on a woman that I admired the device. It was simple to use and transport yet extremely effective. All you needed was a place to tie a woman like the table I was using and she can feel the full force of it if needed. The pear can be opened to cause the exact pain required at a given time and the torture can last hours. It was also a very personal area of the woman and affected her greatly simply pushing it into her. I had no problem seeing why the pear was so popular when questioning or punishing a woman.


I paced around her as she screamed. Her twisted cries filled the room as over and over again she broadcast her suffering to all. Tears leaked from her eyes like little rivers. One second her eyes were jammed shut the next they were wide open. I let around 15 minutes pass so she could feel this level for a while.


I walked back down to between her legs and saw a few drops of blood had ran down one of the petals to the handle. The drops collected before dripping onto the cloth. I know she was hoping I was there to close the pear but she was not to be that lucky.


I pulled some string out of my pocket and tied one end to the handle of the pear. After making sure it was tight I held the other end and started to pull.


“AAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH!!!” She let out her most horrified cry yet as I pulled harder and harder.


Her lip stretched wider as the base of the petals emerged slightly. With the pear open there was no way it would come out but it would stretch and rip her in the lower part of her womanhood. There were many small muscles in that area that would cause high pain when stretched making this technique productive.


I would pull the string for about a minute then let go for a few seconds before pulling again. This kept the pain changing so she could not adjust to it. Each time I pulled it her toes would curl up and she would show me doing this hurt her more.


I pulled and released a dozen times which I thought was a good number for her.  After that I let go and closed up the pear. I had to wipe blood from my hands as it was now leaking out of her in a steady trickle.


She continued screaming for a few minutes and after she calmed down she spoke first “Wh…. What you do is so cruel…. The pear….. It’s so horrible……. I can feel it tearing me. Inside I can feel it. How can you do this to someone?”


“I do it because many will die needlessly fighting if this war doesn’t end Princess. You can just talk and end it all. I think in this case the pear is justified and I will be happy to open it again and wider. You can stop the tearing”


She looked back at me “I…. Cant….”


I shook my head “But Princess I have only torn you a little, you can recover. Just tell me and we can stop. The pear can open much, much wider. You have only felt the start of how do you think it will feel if I fully open the pear?”


She sobbed “You’ll destroy me, I’ll die”


She lifted her head and I ran my hand down her body again. Resting it over the pear I said “I am willing to continue. I’ll open the pear much wider. You can recover now but I’m not sure you will if we continue”


“You worry about me living?”


“Yes. It would be better if I could stop and get you a healer. Then maybe one day this will be a bad memory”


“You have some kindness in your soul. Even in pain I can see that….”


“I will have to continue though unless you talk”


“Then you must continue” After she spoke she turned her head away from me and cried.


“Very well” I said as I moved back down to the pear.


To the sound of her crying I gripped it and opened it up slowly as before. Her sobs turned to screams as the pear grew in size inside her. I passed the point we were at before and gave her another turn of the handle. I gave her the last turn very gradually taking a quarter hour to do it. Her frantic screams went on as I turned the handle. As I did I could feel her body putting force on the pear, this helped me visualise the damage I was now causing her.


The extra turn had made the pear a little under an inch wider which added to the damage. Her flesh tore more to accommodate the pear and more blood was visible running down the pear and dripping more regularly on the cloth. 


She screamed as loud as she could then gulped down a few breaths before screaming again. The torture was defiantly affecting her but she was determined not to speak. I started to become impressed with how she was taking the pear. Her pain was extreme but she still took it.


Just like last time I paced the room as she felt the petals inside her. I even left the room for a time to drink some water. I let her take the pear for well over half an hour before going back to adjust it.


As soon as I held the pear my hands felt the warm wet of her blood. It was for this reason the pear had lines scored into the handle so it could be gripped. Very gradually I turned the handle like before. She lay her head back and closed her eyes. I knew she could feel each adjustment.


I gave the girl another full turn which added nearly another inch to the pears width. I wiped my hands on the cloth to remove the blood and could see one of the petals pushing up below her belly button. It was slightly to the right but clearly visible. It even cast a small shadow which moved as the flames of the torch flickered.


I tried to be gentle as I touched her stomach and could feel the tightness around the metal device. She was very brave to take this I thought. Even if I told her she probably wouldn’t have heard me she was lost in agony. Her screams continued but grew weaker as her voice began to fail.


I watched for another half hour as she took the pain. I was waiting for some sign of confession but she didn’t. I grabbed the string once more and pulled on the pear in minute intervals. The pear barely moved at first but after a few pulls began moving about an inch each time. I continued this and she still didn’t break.


Blood trickled down the pair turning the cloth beneath it red. Gradually her voice failed making her cries weaker as I continued to pull on the pear. I did this for maybe a half hour until I decided to pause. I closed up the pear like I did before and waited for her to become responsive.


It took a time and as she lay there breathing rapidly I saw goose bumps upon her breasts and beads of sweat on her body. She had shed so many tears her hair hear her eyes became wet. The Princess lay there with her arms over her head and her legs bound wide apart sobbing.


“Princess. Will you talk? Or will you feel the full extent of the pear. You remember how wide it can open. Will you take it or talk?”


She looked at me with large eye “Continue the torture” After she spoke she turned her head away.


“Very well” I replied.


I gripped the blood soaked pear and started opening it again. This time I was going until it couldn’t open any more. It was not often that under questioning a woman was able to take the pear so well. It was rare for me to get to fully open the device and see a woman take that pain. Part of me was pleased that I got to use the pear fully on her. I had opened it in stages giving her chance to confess so I had used the pear fairly as well.


It did not take long until her screams returned. Her mouth opened wide as she exclaimed her agony. Wider and wider the pair opened but I only did so slowly. I wanted to take my time opening it up the last inch. I took care to turn the handle in small increments. Each adjustment cause more tearing inside her keeping her screams constant. I turned the handle back and forth and could feel the resistance from her body and she stretched inside. A few times she raised her head and looked down at me. Her mouth would open and her eyes widen as she felt the horror of me increasing the pear once more.


Each time I widened it the resistance was less as her flesh failed then I would enlarge the pair until I felt resistance again. It took 40 minutes until the handle would turn no more. Meaning she was feeling the full extent of the pear.


I let go of the pear wiping off the crimson liquid that now covered my hands. The blood didn’t worry me as it was part of this type of torture so I didn’t worry too much about it. I then paced around her watching her suffering. Twisted screams, short sharp breaths, looks of sheer terror.  She had pulled so hard on her wrist restraints that they had dug in drawing blood. But I bet she didn’t even noticed with the pain inside her womanhood.


The petal facing upwards was now really pushing up on her stomach. It was like a fist pushing though a sheet. The other two petals would have been deep inside her damaging her too. Her most personal area had been shredded from the torture.


“Arrrrrrrrrrrrr” She let out long cries one after the other. Now much quieter but still told a story of what she was going through. I walked up to the side of her and grabbed her face. Holding it still I looked right into her eyes.


“Talk Princess or this continues”


She shook her head in short quick motions saying nothing. Seeing that I let her go and walked back between her legs. I picked up the string attached to the pear lifting it up as she watched.


“Talk Princess of I pull on the pear”


She looked so terrified but shook her head again before letting it fall back she said softly “I wont talk”


I did as promised and started it pull.


“ARRRRGGGGGHHH!” She let out a cry with a new energy. I pulled hard on the pear so it moved down inside her. I saw it pulling her lips part and away from her body. The petal pushing up creating the bump on her stomach moved as well.

So much blood had trickled from her that it was now dripping onto the floor. The created a small round pool on the stone. Each time I pulled on the pear she cried out. Again and again her screams continued.


After another half hour of me doing this I saw that at the top of her opening her flesh had ripped. This was the only visible damage, this single tear. It was near her bud which was a very sensitive part of her womanhood.


The woman was in clear agony but still did not confess so a closed up the pear. As I turned the handle I could see her stomach go down as the internal pressure was released. It was an interesting sight.


Once closed I pulled the pear out which happened easily. Her body offered no resistance at all as the pear exited. Holding the blood covered pear in my hand I could see her opening was stretched wide. There was a hole a bit over two inches wide allowing me to even see inside her.


I could see her slowly calm down and watch me with her eyes, this told me she still had life left in her. Her lips quivered and she took stuttered breaths as I walked over to the brassier that had so far only served to fill the room with an orange light. 


I picked up some long iron grips from the base and used them to grip the handle of the pear. This allowed me to put the pear into the brassier to heat it up. As the pear touched the coals I heard hissing from her blood evaporating. Then the string burned away.


She watched on in horror knowing what I was doing. She shook her head “No…. No…. Please don’t do that. Please don’t”


She tried to close her legs as she spoke which was futile. She then pulled on her wrist restraints panicking about what was to come.


“Princess confess or you know where I will put the pear” I could see the orange of the brazier reflect in her eyes as the girl stared on helplessly.


“I cant….. But Please don’t”


“Princess part of me being allowed to use the pear on you is the ability to heat it. This is a legitimate part of your torture. I will push the hot pear into you unless you talk”


She closed her eyes tight and shook her head. It was at that time I felt the pear was ready. I wanted it hot enough to burn her but not too hot as it would burn the flesh too quickly depriving her of more drawn out pain. Burning a woman like this was very effective but had to be done carefully so her suffering was maximised.


I pulled out the pear from deep in the coals. The tip had a fair red glow and I could feel the heat coming from it as I walked over to her. Her wide eyes followed the pear as I paced slowly. Each step could be hear until I was stood between her legs. I lowered the pear and she started to pull with all limbs frantically as soon as she felt the heat on her inner thighs.


She pulled and shook while I lined up the pear with the hole and moved it forward at a steady pace. As it moved closer her hairs singed and burned down to the root. I moved the pear up and down removing most of the hairs on her lips. The second the metal touched her opening she let out her most twisted scream.




Once her lungs emptied she filled them and screamed again as I pushed the pear deeper. Burning flesh clinged to the pear so I had to push firming so it would go in. It took a very long minute to get it all the way into her.


She continued screaming as she felt her internals burn. I could see the pain in her eyes as I let go of the pear with the grips and stood back. Her fingers curled so much I thought they might break as she screamed she exposed her teeth so much it was like her skull was trying to rip its self out of her head. Her agony was extreme.


After a minute or two steam rose up in a plum from her womanhood. The pear was a weighty tool so it held a fair bit of heat that took time to transfer to her body. After a minute we could both smell burning flesh. That was probably more terrifying for her than me mind you. It took about 15 minutes for her screams to show signs of lessening which told me the pear was cooling down.


I used the grips to hold the pear and remove it from her. It slid out with bits of charred, black flesh on the object. She showed me she was still conscious by watching me as I put the pear into the brassier once more. I pushed it deep into the coals so it would warm up fast.


“I’ll heat the pear up a bit more this time Princess. Then I’ll push it harder into you. Unless you talk you will feel the burning inside you once more”


“I wont tell you…… It hurts so much but I cant” She sobbed once more.


While she was still crying out I walked over and pulled out the now hot pear with the grips. She noticed me as I was already walking back to her.


“Noooo. Nooooo” She cried out as I lined up the pair.


Nooooooo. Noooooo. Arrrrgghhhh!!!” Her pleas turned to screaming as I pushed in the heated pear once more. I pushed it hard and deep so it would press against her womb entrance.


Smoke rose up again and she suffered terribly. It took another five minutes of tossing and cries before she looked at me.


“I’ll….. I’ll talk….” Finally she was breaking.


The pear was still hot so I decided to leave it in her for another five minutes before removing it. I wanted to make sure she was ready to talk. She stared at me with eyes that looked like they could explode.


“Please… Please…. Take it out…. Take it out” she cried at me as she felt her internals burning.


“In a minute” I responded calmly back at her.


She stared down her body at the steam rising from between her legs in horror. She then banged her head back down on the table with her eyes closed and screamed in frustration as well as the pain.


When I time was right I did remove the device. As I removed the pear I could see all the flesh around the opening was burned black. The pear came out with little effort as before. I had done so much harm to this woman.


I put the pear back into the brassier as a reminder to her that torture could always continue.


I stood next to her with my hands on the table. “Ok Princess where is he?”


She started crying not at the pain but at herself. She was letting her farther down, at least to her anyway.


“He…. He is in the forest to the north east 4 miles in. He made a fort there in case this castle was ever taken…….. He’ll be there”


“Thank you Princess. You’ve done well”


I went to the door and opened it. Outside a guard stood with a pale face clearly disturbed by what he had been hearing.


“Go and get the general” I commanded him.


“Right away” He responded before running off.


The man scurried off down the corridor as I closed the door and walked back over to the Princess. I stood next to her and started to move the hair from her eyes then stroke her head.


“There, there Princess. Just repeat what you told me to the general”


“I will, I’ll tell him……. Then what will happen to me? Will my suffering continue?”


“I’m unsure. The general will make a decision”


She was broken and had suffered much. The poor girl had been through hell. She had taken the pear to its fullest extent.


The door opened and the general walked in. Inspecting the princess and looking between her legs he commented “Well it certainly took a lot to get her talking. Good job”


He looked at her and asked “Well then where is he?”


She spoke as she sobbed “He… Is in the forest north of here……There is a fort 4 miles into the forest that he built. He will be there”


“Good, good. I had heard of the fort and this add credit to the accounts. I think that is all I need to know from her now”


Her torture had been successful. As I looked down at her I wondered what was to be done with her.

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